Love Thursday: March 20, 2008

-- Irish saying
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I came across the saying above while looking for a quote for Love Thursday that was specifically (a) about love, and (b) Irish in origin, what with it being the week of St. Patrick's Day and all. My first reaction when I read it was to giggle: to be honest, I can't say that I love potatoes so much that it would that difficult to halve them with anyone; but yeah, I get the point.
Then I started thinking about it a little more. And I realized that it speaks to me in more ways than I first thought.
Recently, a friend of mine who is in the hospital awaiting a bone marrow transplant asked me to register with the National Bone Marrow Registry. It turns out that it is very difficult to find a match for those of us who are from the Caribbean, because many of us are multiracial; so she asked if I would go ahead and register. While the entire concept of undergoing surgery to donate marrow sort of freaks me out, I agreed to do it without hesitation: after all, it is easy to halve the potato when there is love, right?
I registered online, and within a week or so, the swab kit arrived at my home. I did the test and returned the swabs to the mailbox within 10 minutes, before I thought about it too much -- after all, this is to help a friend. But of course, since doing so, it's been on my mind a lot: since there's no way to specify for whom I'd be willing to be a donor, the truth is the phone could ring at any time, telling me that I'm a match for a total stranger in need.
Though I'm not proud of it, it scares me even more that I may be called to undergo surgery to help someone I don't know. However, the truth is I'm not sure that I could possibly say no, you know? So as I ponder the Irish saying above, I realize that for me, there's really a lesson to be learned:
It is easy to halve the potato when there is love -- the trick, I guess, is to love broadly enough so that halving the potato just becomes second nature.
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Happy Love Thursday, everyone. Please leave your links of love in the comments section, below -- and for inspiration, check out the great work left by Mrs. Eaves, Justmeagain2006, and essaydoctor1 in our Shutter Sisters Flickr pool.
And, at the risk of running this metaphor into the ground: may you always find it easy to halve your potato. ;-)
Reader Comments (76)
Here they are:
For love Thursday I chose a picture shot of my friends. I love this capture of unplanned, natural looks of laughter and love.
Here is one of them.
My contribution this week is a photo from last week, my husband and I took a vacation and relaxed together and connected. It was a lovely time, a necesary time...
Can someone explain how the link to my own site option (as opposed to the leave a comment option) works? I just get a white screen when I try it.
Happy Love Thursday!
Love is all I need.
And I like the idea of Love Thursdays!
Mines up now.
My post is about palm leaves for Palm Sunday Mass in Italy.
My post this week shows love on a cactus. Ouch!
This week, I am loving my Queen of the Mountain.
I didn't share it, though. I ate all of it for dinner ... but I think that's a great saying and a very brave thing you did for your friend (known or unknown).
For Love Thursday, I'm contributing this:
Do you think the spider loves this flower as much as I do? Maybe not. But something about finding him nestled within its petals made my heart sing. (And I usually hate spiders!)
The love of beautiful little feet
One of my best friends is getting married on Saturday, so this week is all about love! The picture below, though, is all about girly friendship:
Happy Love Thursday, everyone!
Here's my love thursday ...
Love the picture and the post. Your are such a brave and loving soul to sign up for that. Bless you!
Today, I'm thinking of my mother, lavender, and peace of mind.
and on flickr:
happy love thursday folks
Here is some sisterly love. The irish connection ? well my nan is irish... does that count?!
i hope you like the photo.
nicky xxxx
Did the spring thing.
And it sounds as though your experience with registration was much easier than mine. At the time I registered (though I don't know what the process here is now), you had to go to an evening information session, then book a blood draw during business hours just to get on the registry. An at-home swab kit would have been awesome!
(Excuse the title. I was sick then.)
It's all about a little boys loves in our house. Happy Love Thursday.
My LT is at
My Love Thursday contribution:
Mine is within this post:
Here is my contribution:
This is my first week here:
Happy love thursday!