Because sometimes love is enough

When Tracey first asked me if I'd like to write something for this site, I was more than a little flattered. I was also intimidated because…I'm not a real photographer.
I've been called "a photographer" before and I have been quick to point out that I'm not one. "I'm just a mother who enjoys taking pictures of her family."
I've been afraid to embrace that title. I don't make money from my photography. I don't have people lined up asking me to take pictures of their family. Heck, I just learned the meaning of aperture and ISO and how to use them to get correct exposure in different lighting situations. (And I would be more than happy to explain it to anyone who will listen because proper exposure is like the greatest, most exciting thing in the world to me right now.)
To call myself a photographer felt…wrong for so many reasons.
But I've been thinking about this ever since Tracey first extended the invitation to post something here. I've thought about the first photography class that I took in junior high. I remember the thrill that I felt when I developed the shots that I had taken and saw that they had come out exactly as I had envisioned them when I propped my baby brother's chubby little hands close to his face. I've thought of how wherever I go, I will see things with my eyes through the lens of my camera and am constantly saying things like "that would make an incredible picture!" I've thought of how I spend most social events with a camera strapped around my neck, trying to capture the little moments that may be forgotten were a photograph not taken. I've thought of how important it is for me to remember the little details of my every day life and how that is evidenced in the shots that I take (and also by my children's constant pleas to "put down the camera and stop taking pictures already, Mom!)
After much thought on this subject, I've come to the following conclusion: I do not make money from my photography and I probably never will. My pictures may not be technically good, or beautiful to many people. I may not have the best camera or fancy equipment. But, what I do have is genuine love and passion in my heart for taking photos of the people I love and the beauty all around me. I've decided that's really all the justification that I need to finally embrace the title.
I AM a photographer.
Picture and words courtesy of Honorary Sister/Guest Blogger Yvonne (aka Y and mamarosa) at Joy Unexpected.
Reader Comments (45)
In your photo is a little girl's fantasy. Dreamy. Delightful.
Yep, you're a photographer. The love shows.
Thanks again for the post and I look foward to listening to you explain proper exposure :)
I am a photographer too.
I need to tell myself that everyday! Thanks for the words of encouragement. I can totally relate to how you feel!
If you own a camera and like to take pictures, that makes you a photographer. If you own a camera and charge money for your photography, that makes you a professional photographer.
Y, oh i SO hear you. I dont charge for anything that i do because i'm so scared that people wont like it or it wont be good enough. I had a good talking to a couple of days ago from some friends who managed to convince me that in fact I AM a photographer. It's not the exams you take or the kit you use, its more a state of mind and the ability to 'see' photos.
Walking around with a photographer friend was a great experience. We were in a museum and as we walked around both our cameras would raise at the same moment as we spotted something. He took a photo of a robot half reflected in a case and it was great to be with someone who instinctively 'saw' that picture as i did. 99% of the people in that museum would have walked past it. I look on his photographs with awe and wonder so it felt really good to get some reassurance and a confidence boost from him.
Yvonne, I think your photos are stunningly composed, beautifully shot and insightful. I hope that the feedback that you get on this thread will help you to put on the 'photographer'.mantle more comfortably.
Lots of love
Nicky x
it's taken in the museum mentioned above.
have a lovely day ladies
As a lover of photography - I too - therefore am a photographer.
Love your beautiful image.
For saying what I have been wanting to express for years. I agree completely.
I am a photographer, too!
Wonderful post and picture!
Yes - I second it .... teach us about exposure!!!
Thank you for sharing!
I just got my new baby, the d300 (a huge gift for mama), and I don't feel qualified to own such a beautiful piece of hardware. But I'm learning to accept that I AM qualified and I AM photographer.
I noticed some of you asking for tutorial tips, on exposure and such. I'd like to recommend you check out dolce pics, a shutter sister, who has posted some great nitty gritty and easy to understand tutorials that have really helped me with the more technical aspects of photography.
BTW, you don't need a high-end DSLR to get a great shot. I took this picture 4 years ago with my basic p&s film 35mm camera on auto:
It is still one of my favorites today.
after the ball.
I think the best thing I can tell you about exposure is this: You must must MUST buy Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson. It has completely changed the way I take pictures. I no longer shoot in auto (except in some indoor situations.)
I can't recommend that book enough.
Truly beautiful.
you are awesome!!!
that photo is simply beautiful...
and so is this post.
I just am excited to see what the future unfolds with everything I continue to see and learn. I wrote a post about this very thing a while ago, but quite apropos to your post.
Congratulations on your journey into photography too and it's nice to have a place like SS to share our love and growth together.
So now that you've offered to explain ISO and apeture..hit me!!
I took these photo's in wales uk about 6 yrs ago with one of those throw away 35ml camera's. I found it digging around my pc yesterday...
May I suggest the Beanpod - the tripod that's full of beans?!, GBP 9.99 with free delivery in the UK. Shipping worldwide.