Capturing Memories

I am drawn to the elderly like some people are drawn to babies. Growing up, I had my great-grandmother in my life for the first 33 years until she passed away thirteen years ago at the age of 96. At that time I was busy with my career and starting my family but now, all these years later, I wish I would have taken the time to sit with her more, ask her questions about her life, listen to her stories. I am lucky enough though, to still have my 90 year old grandmother in my life. As well as asking her questions and listening to her stories, I want to capture the memories as well, so I now photograph her. Her eyes, her face, her hands…they tell their own story, too.
A year ago in Rangefinder magazine I read a very moving article on photographer Steve Bedell and how he came to photograph the elderly in a healthcare facility that he calls ‘the forgotten generation’. The photographs he took were then given to the family members of those that were in the facility. What a wonderful way to help keep the memories alive for the recipients of those beautiful photographs.
We’ve all taken pictures that have moved us, maybe even enough to give them to those who we know will cherish them. Please share the photos that move you. We’d love to see them.
Reader Comments (22)
In a funny round about day, You've made my day with this post and the link to Philip Toledano's Site.
I photographed an 87 year old Yupik Native woman for her daughters. We used to live out in the bush and would visit her often she was a load of laughs and full of wisdom. I have had the photos to private but changed it so you can see them. They are some of my favorite portraits I have ever done.
I don't have any images of elderly people, but what I'd like to share are some tender moments of a young family that were quite moving to me. I really love to watch the pure joy flowing from new parents as they adore everything about their baby.
i *just* visited freya najade's site and viewed her series called "if you are lucky, you get old" -- many perspectives on the aging process:
Be sure to click on it so you can see it up close :)
This boy moves me... he holds my heart...
I love taking photos of my grandparents.
Thanks for sharing, this is a lovely image.