
Earlier this week my daughter asked to go outside and blow bubbles. I am a big lover of bubbles. We bundled up and took our little pink ice cream cone bubble blower outside in the snow and blew them to the sky. I had my camera focused on her as she puffed out her cheeks in great effort to make some herself. (At 3 blowing bubbles is a BIG deal.) One floated over my head and i followed it with my camera clicking away trying to focus on its flight. Just then it gently landed on our deck railing. I assumed it would pop instantly on contact, it did not. Instead it balanced on the snow. The colors drew me right in. I was mesmerized by the fantastic swirls. I kept snapping away, waiting for the inevitable 'pop!'. That's when I noticed my reflection; half of me, and house behind me, was right side up and the other half upside down, twisted in the mirror of the bubble. What a happy surprise.
Bubbles are universal. No matter your age, bubbles are happy makers that create some great photo fun. Do you have any bubble magic to share? Maybe today you could use some simple happiness that blowing bubbles can bring? Go ahead, the kid in you will thank you.
Oh and one more thing, check out this incredible *POP*! WOW.
Reader Comments (29)
And yes - bubbles are magical:
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/vanessa_r/4309502227/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/vanessa_r/4310233610/in/photostream/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/vanessa_r/4310227798/in/photostream/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/vanessa_r/4310221456/in/photostream/
Just love it!
i was just thinking of blowing bubbles too! your shot is beautiful.
I should do it again this year... :) They're so hard to shoot but totally rewarding when you get a good shot!
Love the colors in the bubblicious photo!
Just for Kristin and Shutter Sisters I played in my milk on my lunch hour :D No dogs were harmed or scared in the making of this photo ;) *wink,wink*
Love the one in mid pop! incredible!
I ❤ bubbles-they just make me giggle.
These 2 sure enjoyed them:
I have to agree. Here are some of my favorites...
And WOW! That Pop picture is amazing!
and remembering the summer....
rest well, x.
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