being a woman is a gift

In a matter of days the Mom 2.0 Exhibit will be installed and available to see at the FotoFest gallery in Houston, Texas, even before the Mom 2.0 reception. This video was made for the show. I can say nothing more that needs to be said. The amazing Katherine Center said it all.
This is motherhood. We are living this movement everyday. We are defining it right now. This is how we love, share, worry, laugh, give up, give in and find a way to do it again, day in and day out without question, without skipping a beat, without regret.
The Mom 2.0 Summit is going to be an amazing conference. I was there last year so I know. I hope you can make it. And the exhibit (reception to be held Friday Night 2/19), will be nothing short of incredible, thanks to super-Laura Mayes, her creative team and so many of you talented, talented photographers. It has been a pleasure to work on the project and more than anything I know that what we're doing, as women, as mothers is going to be tangibly validated with every image hung, every word displayed and every person there to witness it.
I don't know about you but I know what Katherine says is true. Being a woman is a gift.
Share an ode to Womanhood today, in all Her splendor and authenticity and let's show the world what we're made of.
Reader Comments (28)
I was not expecting that.
So, now I sit here with teary eyes, an uneaten bowl of oatmeal that is getting cold, and very few words to describe what I am feeling.
Beautiful and moving does not begin to describe that piece.
So glad that I saw it and proud that I can claim it.
'Cause that video nailed it.
here's my little contribution, a mother having fun with her daughter. :)
i hope to become one soon. :)
what a blessing this video is. her words are just so perfect.
xo , kristin
I think a new baby fits here. My son and his wife have their first son...
Beautiful. Thanks!
I am participating as well as a part of Flashes of Hope in conjunction with the Museum of Printing History and ASMP. Opening night is March 18th! See my blog for more about our local work with Flashes here in Houston.
I have sent this link to every woman I know.....
I hope my My gratitude can be felt across the oceans because I;m feeling it!!!!!!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for creating & sharing such an incredible gift.
I wish I was in Houston to be part of this gathering (how inspiring) -are you going to bring it to Australia????
this me in transition-thinking there is no more that i can take...but the hardest work is still ahead.
just wanted to let you know.
me and my girl: