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THIS moment

As we head into the busy holiday season it is ever more essential to remember where you are, right in this moment. It is easy to get swept away in our to-dos and our giving to others. Remember, YOU are a gift and your life is one too if you only stop to notice it. Give yourself with this sacred and creative time to dive deep and discover that to live the life of your dreams, you need not look any further than the life right at your fingertips.

In my own life these days, there has been a big shift happening. It all recently came to a boil when a crisis emerged in my marriage right before my 12th anniversary just a few weeks ago, and significant events started to unfold… or maybe it started when I committed to my dream about creating the wishstudio and life began aligning as I showed up to take hold of my dreams… or maybe it began when I became a mother, expanding my life exponentially after a long fallow season. These are some things I will share with you.

What really matters though, is what I can tell you now from where I stand in this very moment through all the twist and turns of my journey, that none of it really matters (gasp!) yet it is all greatly significant. With open eyes, a wide open heart and immeasurable support and love from the kindred community I've found right here, I've come to see my life through an entirely new lens – one that is steeped in compassion, love and a deep sense of acceptance and gratitude.

This, has truly freed me. It means I can let go of regret because all of it was part of seeing me into this moment. I can let go of expectations and see the abundance of my life as it is. I can embrace the possibilities, because this clarity and love is what really makes magic happen in our lives!  I can show you.

I will share with you the tales and gems of my experiences as well as offer you encouragement to find the joy that exists in your own life through creative practices and compassionate acceptance. Together we will take some measured and meaningful steps, and hand in hand along the way I know you will discover how we truly have the ability to love our lives (the one here at our fingertips!) as we ultimately learn to better love ourselves.

I am honored to give away a place in my 5-week e-course THIS moment: all you have is all you need (November 15th – December 16th 2010)! Please leave a comment on this post sharing one thing you see in this very moment that is extraordinary in your life!  If you would like to go ahead and register, early bird registration is available now through November 5th. I would love for you to join what I know is going to be an amazing journey!

Image, words, and giveaway courtesy of the lovely and talented Mindy Tsonas, creator of WishStudio.

And congratulations to Felicia for winning a place in Mindy's THIS moment e-course!

Reader Comments (88)

OH..I'd love to be considered in the giveaway for the course. It sounds absolutely wonderful. Here are a couple of recent 'moments' of mine:
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMarcie
What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you for offering it. Photography is an extraordinary thing in my life at this moment. As a teenager I used to dream shyly of taking good photos, but never would have thought I'd have the courage to really try. It's brought such beauty and wonder to my life.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersarah
A moment...right three young boys...
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJess
As an American woman, living in Europe right now is quite extradordinary, possibly the most extraordinary thing I will ever experience. I'm going to Italy on Sunday, Thailand in February, and hopefully other places in between. I'm going to explore and photograph as my corners of this world as possible in the time I have here. This is just an amazing experience and one I never in my wildest dreams thought I would have.

The photo at the top of my blog sums up how my life looks and feels at this moment:

I don't know what I've done to deserve this!
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSage
Wow this would be fantastic! A moment in my life right now would be the nurturing of my newly formed photography business.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJan
such a beautiful and inspiring post and shot, Irene! I would love so much to participate in your course, it sounds amazing! thank you for the chance to participate in the giveaway!
here's a shot of a recent extraordinary daily moment:
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermarina
A six YOUNG children and my ability to capture their fleeting moments forever through MY photographs.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAndMilesToGo
My Partner. His Extraordinary ability to be there no matter what is going on.
He keeps me grounded when I am flying to high ;o)
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterToni
At this moment the air mattress I'm facing is extraordinary because it was provided by my brother so I can sleep on his living room floor in London while I plan, accept, get humbled, weather, and learn to love my life as it is, stripped from what I thought it would be. With the surging sea of uncertainty lapping at my breast, I look at this aerobed, this raft, and know that in this moment, I have everything I need.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commentershehani
my class of grade 5 students are EXTRAORDINARY! I am fortunate to be teaching and traveling in Vietnam and my class consists of 17 wonderful, thoughtful, considerate, generous, kind-hearted and helpful 10 and 11 year olds. They all work so hard to develop their second (or third!) language and I am lucky to be their teacher!
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEmily
In this moment - right now - I've developed some great photography skills that I never knew I had. Life just keeps getting better.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKathy Jo Camamcho
Just the ability to be present is something important to me right now :)
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMeg
In this moment right now, I am sitting at my desk enjoying my cup of tea, reading your lovely and thoughtful post, and waiting for the bell to ring in 10 miinutes, when the calm will be shatttered by the sound of 215 eighth graders filling the hall. Then I will be in that moment, which is TOTALLY different!

Please enter me in your contest, I need all the help I can get!
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterpam
THis moment. It's raining and still dark and everyone but me is still tucked snuggly in their beds. I am thoroughly enjoying this moment of peace.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJill
In this moment my wood stove is roaring the the sun is rising. Its this moment that I feel at peace :)
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJen at Cabin Fever
My 23 year old daughter has come home to visit for a few months. She has been away and I hardly saw her. She's come home a stronger, more confident young woman. I am watching a transformation. This is wonderfully extraordinary!
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commentercedarhil
My moment in life right now: My 3 year old sons sweet little voice saying, "Mommy" If we could bottle that voice and hold it close for ever!
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLiveLife
In this moment, I stand in the twilight zone between a very much loved, broken down Canon Rebel that has been an amazing teacher, and the camera of my dreams which appears to soon be reality. I stand in a place of feeling of one spirit with some fantastically talented ladies who have also done amazing things with a mediocre camera... having pushed it to it's limits, yet been satisfied. I stand ready to grab a tool loaded with possibilities, ready to see how I can make it dance. And my heart is racing... because I'm terrified and thrilled all at once.

But my "everyday" moments usually go something like this:
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJess
I see my perspective shifting - gentle movement toward something better and bigger than me.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterThe Little List
This moment I will appreciate the blessings of my family and follow my dreams.
Thank you for the opportunity to win a spot in your class.
Sandi D
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSandi
At this moment... dog at my feet. <3
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBecky Sue
"This, has truly freed me. It means I can let go of regret because all of it was part of seeing me into this moment."
true, that.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commentercamerashymomma
The moments, they happen so quickly! One must pay attention. This was one of mine.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWendy
right now, i think it extraordinary that it's taken me 44 years to be ok with me ...right here, right now. the best gift ever.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjo marks
Cup of coffee, rain on the roof, the day is awakening. I'm enjoying these last few quiet minutes before my boy wakes up and my day will be plunged into noise and action...
Thanks for the chance to win!
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEllen
Right now... peaceful children, the first hints of sunrise, a warm cup of coffee, and cozy slippers.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAmy
My family is extraordinary. We have been through so much lately and we are still strong.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterheather
Something that is extraordinary in my life is my husband. He is so strong and supportive and I don't know what I would do without him!
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBecca
You sound as though this moment is a very exciting place for you. And congratulations for working toward fulfilling your dreams. For me, this moment is a very relaxing rainy morning, still in my pjs because my sweet husband realized how much I needed to sleep in. He took care of the am routine for our girl and brought me my coffee before he left.

I try to keep my eyes open to the beauty of the moment & my camera helps. Here's something beautiful I caught in the carpool line yesterday
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdamiec
What I see that is extraordinary in my life right now is all the creative support I have found in this online world. I am truly grateful for the space to participate.

November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaren D
Right now I am preparing for my big journey to Ethiopia. Slightly overwhelmed, but eager to start a life changing project.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJenny Modesitt
These days I find it mind boggling that something amazing can some from sadness and loss. My extraordinary thing?

The sun's shining on the bibs from my 2 half marathons I ran this year...a year ago I was full of sadness and a self proclaimed couch potato.

I'm so thankful for everything in my life...good and bad, for without the bad we would never truly appreciate the good.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterC Blore
a college-age daughter who still calls me... even when she doesn't need money.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterspread your wings
My three year old daughter has a shoe obsession, and has had a new pair of boots sitting in her closet, in the box, for weeks - usually she's putting new shoes on while we're still at the store! I asked her why she didn't want to wear her boots, and she told me that she couldn't wear them until her two year old brother had new boots to wear too. I had Daddy go buy him some boots yesterday so they could finally wear them this morning. Seeing as how they're usually at each others throats all the time, it was definitely extraordinary to see her caring about her brother in such a sweet way. :)
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBetsie
This is why I love reading this blog so very much. It's about the moments, grasping them, holding onto them, learning to live with them, finding joy in them. My moment right now? Gazing at the ultrasound photo my son & daughter-in-law gave me of my first grandchild and looking forward to all the moments I'll spend with him.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBetty R
My moment is right now as the orange autumn sun begins to lighten the darkness; I feel it reflects what I am going through as I begin making a career change. I like the dark and the light.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFelicia
I teach "mindfulness" 5 days a week as a Social Worker/Group Therapist on a Psychiatric Unit. I LOVE sharing with people how choosing to live in the moment is so super important. The 3 keys are to 1)Fully participate in the moment, 2)Observe the experience 3)Describe the experience. Living in the moment, becoming one with your riding a bike, playing an instrument...throw yourself into what you do...without being self-conscious, without fear...has made all the difference in my world..and hopefully with my patients.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterStacey
My moment is having a huge house with my husband to create a beautiful home. It keeps us very busy.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEvie
Being that I am a 3 time cancer survivor---at this moment---I am alive. I celebrate every sunrise.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterpatricia
i find is wonderful to be able to solve life's problems with my hubby right now. we have a lot going on, but life is so good!
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrandi
My moment is being with my family, they are the world to me. I would love to win a spot in this class! Thanks for the chance!
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJamie Solorio
a crisp fall morning, quiet except for a few birds, this was definately a "moment" for me.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLiz
Beautiful post. At this moment, I am trying to live by the quote:

"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us."

In this moment I see the wedding ring of my late fiance, which I wear every day as a reminder of his love and that life can be both short and still very full.

I may not be living the life he and I had planned, but that doesn't mean I'm not living. Thanks again!
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBeth
It is extraordinary that I will just happen to be in NYC next week and can attend the Shutter Sisters happy hour!!!
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMeghan
I see dew on a spider web, dream drops of the life we weave for ourselves.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAngela
This moment is EVERY moment you are alive!!! I read the post then went through my pics to fine "the one" but ever pic is the one! Every minute of ever day is "This moment" I get so frustrated not being able to capture the moment at I see it or more importantly feel it... perhaps this class is exactly what i need!!! ???

so i picked this image, not for the beauty of the image, but for the beauty of the message!
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBettina
At this moment, knowing I've got two snuggly dogs and a wonderful partner at home waiting for me. It makes even the rainiest of days seem brighter :) I would love to win a spot in this workshop; it sounds like something that would be perfect for me right now.
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVee
Right now, at this moment, it's extraordinary that I'm enjoying a quiet house...
Hmm... this moment (even though I wish I were home with my son) I am eating a delicious salad and getting ready to kick butt with some awesome UML! (At least, I tell myself that. ;))
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJessica
the sun is shining at this moment and that is extraordinary. sun in November in Seattle!
November 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterelizabeth

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