Point of Focus

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. - Albert Einstein
Perhaps no one knows better than photographers that it's all a matter of perspective. So, this month we ask you to share with us what it is exactly that you choose to focus on. How do you look at your life? Do you focus on family? Friends? The big picture? The little things? We'd bet that with every click of the shutter you choose to focus on the miracles, whatever they are for you.
I guess it's obvious now that our One Word for November's One Word Project is focus.
With the help of Focal Press (our fantastic publisher to whom we are so grateful) we will be spending the month gathering images that focus on what t is most important to us as Shutter Sisters. And just looking through our Flickr pools, that focus (or lack of it which is equally as beautiful) is on some pretty amazing stuff.
So, as we begin this month (albeit we're a few days into it already) let's see where you choose to focus.
A few of us are focusing on a trip to NY where we will be gathering for a Snap Happy Hour in celebration of our sisterhood and the launch of our book Expressive Photography. Have you heard? Can you join us? You're invited you know. Pop over to our facebook event page and let us know if you can make it. A special thanks to Focal Press and Renaissance Times Square for helping us make it happen. YAY!
Reader Comments (30)
And - congratulations on your book launch. Wish I could be there. Very exciting!!!
I find myself focusing on the beauty of reality: http://www.kateyeview.com/2010/10/beauty-of-reality.html
And I totally wish I could be in NY on the 11.! But obviously I can't really justify travelling all the way from Norway just for that - sadly! :)
Branches and leaves and the new light.
Mostly branches.
Although my evenings and weekends are spent attached to my camera as much as possible, that's somehow not enough to get me through the workday. I work in an office in the middle of the country where I take walks on my breaks, with my camera. It's in the middle of the Texas Hill Country, whose landscaping, with all due respect, pales ridiculously in comparison to the woods of the North I've spent time in, and I'm a natural wanderer so walking the same road every single day bores me to death.
So, I have no choice but to hunt down details.
Tumbleweeds suspended from barren trees looking like aliens,
the way a certain leaf which is about to drop looks as though it just may take flight instead,
in this case a spiderweb in a tree branch.
I won't be here for much longer, so while I am, this everyday walk with my camera and my best friend ground me in both the practice of focusing on extraordinary details, and in mindfulness of the Earth's changes through the seasons.
I've been dealing with a shoulder injury so I'm keeping off the computer a great deal lately but I continue to pick up the camera. I took a photo of my dog and posted it to my family journal. I'll go send a copy to Flickr or my blog and come back and share it ... why? Because I titled it "Focus on the Eye". You'll see :)
Lately I've been focusing on changing my focus, if that makes any sense :) I mean trying different things, different subjects, angles and light. I am also focusing on being more bold with my photography.
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