time well spent

How often do we get the chance to share the most real version of ourselves with our children? Not the wiping noses, bums, and tears. Not the goodnight kisses that carry us through the long nights. I'm talking about the passion, the individual passion we each have in our own hearts. {whatever that may be.} In some of us it looks like photography, cooking, designing, fortune 500's, or running a triathalon. These important bits of ourselves are unique to us, and they shine through the daily life, even if on somedays it feels they don't. These bits are pieces of the puzzle that make us real.
And when our children get to witness this? These unique pieces of us? Well, it makes their eyes sparkle.
This week my focus was firmly set on Friday. This is when I'll be attending the Mom 2.0 Exhibit reception at the Fotofest Art Gallery. However, yesterday a holiday provided my son and I with an entire day to spend together. I dreamed up a roadtrip to Houston, because I felt a very strong need to hold my son's hand in that very space I would stand this coming Friday night.
What I wanted most was to share this piece of my life with him. To put my feet next to his on the hardwood floor, to sit and laugh and relax with him by my side, seeing these bits of me all around us. All I really want is to give him a gift, an experience that just might tuck itself into the folds of his memory.
This was time well spent.
I feel like I carried the sisterhood there with me. All of you so far away. All of you in my heart, and those of you who I carry with me in my pocket. I carried this sisterhood in through the entrance, side by side with my own motherhood. As well as my own individual dream {for what it means to me.}
My intent was to share it with my son. But I came away wanting to share it with the sisterhood as well because the energy there was undeniably strong. And to think it all began with a fistful of maps and a tank full of gas.
Take a moment to view the slideshow of our journey to Houston that delivered us to this most amazing gallery. It's truly an amazing space of light and wood ... walls covered with beauty all familiar.
On Friday this room will come alive with voices. But yesterday, in all its silence, this exhibit was very much a living breathing creation.
What is it you most want to share with your children? What inner passion in you is waiting to be revealed?
Reader Comments (16)
I have three things I want to share with my son. I want him to understand completely. My love for my garden, my photography, and my yoga practice.
If I can do that, I will feel complete :)
Yesterday I combined my passion for photography and my love for my daughter in a cooperative photo project with friends and family. You can see it here:
thank you.
And my entire blog is basically a tribute to me trying to find that "time well spent" with my daughter, whatever form that takes - exploring her passions, sharing mine with her. But mostly it's the "Time" part. If I'm with her, fully engaged, then it's time well spent. (And I wrote a post named just that a few months ago, funnily. here it is:)
absolutely beautiful.
My son and I share nature. We look at the world, at the stars or a flock of doves or a rattlesnake or a cricket, and just cry with the joy of it sometimes. He's the only one with whom I completely share that.