what dreams may come

“Always remember that dreams—your creative visualizations—must come before their physical manifestations.” –Sarah Ban Breathnach, Simple Abundance
Mighty Girl Maggie Mason has made an art of living what she calls her Mighty Life List. The list began as 100 things before I go kind of list but it has turned into the chance for her to act on those things and actually do them. In other words, Maggie is living her dreams. The whole idea is not only inspiring, it’s mind-blowing.
So (why not?) I’ve been musing on what my own life list would look like if I were to say…write one.
(insert crickets chirping here)
Truth be told, I’m not sure I can come up with a half a dozen things for a list, let alone 100 and I can’t stop wondering if I’ve forgotten how to dream.
Being that this is a rather recent epiphany, I don’t actually have an answer to that question but I can tell you one thing, I’m going to get to the bottom of it. Thank goodness I’ve got Mondo Beyondo on my side and all the images in our One Word Project pool to get my head (and heart) up in the clouds a little more.
How about you? Do you have your own life list, wish list or big dreams? Inspire us!
Reader Comments (20)
"Make a (good) living from photography alone"
This year we will hit the "good part-time money" mark with our photography business, but I want more. I want to do ONLY photography. I don't want to go into my day job every day wishing I could run, and being afraid that I'm going to keep climbing that corporate ladder until I can't remember what my real dreams were.
I want to do a job that I love everyday, and I want to provide for my family doing something that inspires me.
I deserve this.
I can do this.
This will happen.
kind of a check list of to do's for the year. totally inspired by andrea (hula seventy).
last year i completed about half my list. some of the list was completely unattainable but i knew that, i figured if i was going to dream why not go BIG on a few things. so i was not disappointed by the items i did not finish. instead i was insprired but what i DID do. i made a new list just a few weeks back on my bday.
"38 things" -
and here is my recap of last year's dream list:
and you are right it can be hard to think of things. that made me all the more determined to do this from now on every year of my life. i hope in some way i pass this dreaming and achieving dreams onto my kids. for how else will they learn if they do not see me trying.
good luck with your list tracey!
xo, kristin
things just started popping up, letting me know that I have not lived my life in a long time...life was just going....I was busy with schedules to maintain but there was no...LIFE.
One of the things that 'popped' up was one of my fav blogs, chookooloonks , had a post about this very idea, http://www.chookooloonks.com/blog/2010/2/22/my-mighty-chookooloonks-life-list.html and ever since I've been adding to it. sometimes every day sometimes every other day. But...I'm adding to it...I'm dreaming again...wishing again...wanting again and that's a big deal....
My blog says it all for me today. Happy friday everyone. may all your dreams come true!
I'm still on generalities -- like I need to stop obsessing over small anxieties, be more forgiving of myself and others, that sort of stuff. But I'm also realizing how much photography has brought to my life since really throwing myself into it about six months ago. Having a creative outlet is invaluable. So I guess my dream is to continue to develop that part of my life, become better at the craft and use it as a way to balance all the other crazy things going on.
That, and I'd like to live in Paris at some point in my life. :)
So important to have dreams and watch as at least a tiny portion of them unfold...
fjords of british columbia, specifically to kayak with the beluga whales
alaska (again, and again...)
bayou country
nova scotai & PEI
i should think up some activities too.
and i want to be a mom.
And I'm working on a "30 Before 30" list so if you have any suggestions, let me know!
write it!
it's so much fun and helps you visualize things.
i wrote one out in a post last november:
i've almost accomplished one on the list.. being debt free.
i still want to add many more to it.
it's hard to come up with everything in one sitting.
the joy of making the list is you can put absolutely anything in it... from big things to small things.
i enjoyed it.
i did after a friend was telling me to write down the things i want to do with my life. he reminded me of a study that was done at harvard or some place like that. the study had 100 people write their goals down. it had another 100 just say their goals. then they checked in with the entire study group ten years later, and found that the group who had written their goals down had a much higher percentage of achievement of those goals than the other group. i believe it!
tea parlor, old victorian and of course hawaii!
they say, build it and they will come...
love and sweet dreams to you all