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« inspiration from the Shutter Sisters Flickr Pool | Main | what dreams may come »

gathering inspiration

This sign hangs outside an art gallery in Lincoln, NE and I snapped this shot after spending time inside viewing some wonderful art. It's always inspiring to visit a gallery and see how other artist express their creativitiy. And it may be the graphic designer in me, but I was instantly drawn to this graphic metal sign. But I also tend to become more visually aware after purusing an art gallery or museum. It's as if my eyes are opened again after witnessing the work of other artisits. The way they view their world may be different than the way I view mine, but that's the beauty of art. We can inspire each other to look around and find ways to translate our vision into art. And no two viewpoints are alike.

What other genre of art inpires you to be more creative? And are there any specific artists that refresh your view of the world?

Reader Comments (9)

movies are definitely an art form that constantly inspires me in the way I capture the world and tell stories with my own words. also, children's books like Shel Silverstein's and the Charlie and Lola series.
March 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterIrene
i would say film inspires me the most {maybe music, too.}

just this morning, i finally started watching the tv series, mad men. i had heard so many good things about it, and so many people told me they thought i would love it because of the retro vibe it has and that it was set in the late 50s and early 60s {my favorite time period of the last century}. they were right! i loved it! everything about it visually was so inspiring to me... the furniture, the clothes, the colors, the music {well.. i guess that is not visual}.

but i find myself so often inspired and itching to go take pictures after seeing a beautiful commercial or a ken burns documentary or a movie with stunning cinematography or tv shows like mad men.

i love how you've written about inspiration here. sometimes i think it is the photography of others that inspires me in my own photography. but how true that there are so many other art forms that can inspire us in photography, too.
March 13, 2010 | Unregistered
I would for sure say music! I love that sign too!
i just spent 2 uninterrupted hours at the bookstore last night.
big huge art books and photography books all piled up in my lap.
totally inspiring.
last night i was enthralled with the world of street artist keith hairng and photographer annie liebowitz.
March 13, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkristin
This is such a wonderful blog, so creative and inspiring!

I love to photograph, write, and scrapbook - my fiance is a graphic designer, illustrator, painter, tattoo artist... it seems like he can do anything! I get such inspiration from watching him work and seeing his finished product. I also love perusing the creations of fellow artisans and friends (like this wonderful network) ... and, ever since I was young, I allowed the images and sounds of film, literature, music, and other arts wash over my senses - great inspiration :)
March 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMegan
Oh yes, I'm the same way. I am especially 'juiced up' after going to an art gallery. I love watercolours and am amazed at what some artists can do with such a non-cooperative medium. I'm also really taken with people who sculpt, whether it's clay, stone, or wood. In fact, Mother Nature has a few tricks up her sleeve that get my creative juices flowing. For instance,
March 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDiane
I am inspired by the works of Kandinski and Modigliani and by glass artists such as Klaus Moje, Giles Bettison and Richard Whitely, each so very different in their style of work, but each with works that inspire.
March 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterToni | Daily Vignette
Recently I've been inspired by the light and simplicity in Edward Hopper's paintings and by what Robert Frank captured in his street photography.
March 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDeirdre
Right now I've been looking at a lot of art journals. I'm fascinated by the way people mix media. And the world journal makes me feel like I don't have to be perfect in my art, but rather experimental. That frees me up. Also old photographs. Going through very old family photos from the 30's, 40's and 50's lately have me looking at things a bit differently.

Love that sign too.
March 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAmie aka MammaLoves

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