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piecing it all together


I thought I'd have it figured out by now, this "knowing yourself" business. And yet here I am, once again questioning and challenging the construct of self that I've held onto for so long. I've been stripping away the layers of how others define me, how I've been socialized to define myself, and I'm trying to piece it all back together again. I am learning to embrace my unfinishedness and to walk comfortably with the idea that my identify is more fluid and flexible than I give it credit for and that I will never be finished with the work of self-discovery and reflection.

In continuing with the exploration of our word of the month "YOU," please share with us stories of how you've changed the way you see or define yourself, and feel free to share images that represent any aspect of yourself.

Reader Comments (15)

Oh..I can so relate to this not having figured it out piece...the questioning..the learning to accept and embrace the new and unknown:
October 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarcie
I surprised myself by my overwhelming positive reaction to having my ears pierced.
October 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDebC
Longing to be back home in the South, but finding pieces of myself in Northern California...
October 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterValerie
I also find myself thinking about who is the true me. I guess we never stop wondering and that is OK. For the most part I have always felt at ease in my own skin, but it wasn't until I started doing self portraits that I think I truly accepted myself, flaws and all. It has been a very powerful experience and something I recommend everyone tries.

This is me, no make up, just a tank top, but so very happy.
October 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLibertad Leal
I just got back from a college reunion (30+years) and it's funny how we tend to think we are the only ones who haven't changed all that much - at least in the physical appearance. We look in the mirror every single day and don't see the gradual changes taking place. Walking around campus this weekend, I still felt the young 20 year old that I had been back then. But then I look back at photos and realize - wow I have changed. I do look old! Hopefully I have matured and grown all the wiser with every wrinkle and gray hair.
October 3, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterautumn sun
a recent self portrait - feelin' some kinda way today.
October 3, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterisaida
Ok. I'm going to try to step up to the bat and work on my self-portrait skills/confidence. I suppose this is why they call it a challenge.

Most of my self-portrait attempts involve carefully trying to meet my camera's eye in mirrors - this is one where I simply turned the camera around and took my chances:

which leads me to redefine my self-image as one who has perfect skin - HELLO shiny!
October 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHeather
I am starting to give myself permission to be in front of the camera, to feel bold or optimistic or beautiful. Something about coming into your late 30s -- it's like a wakeup call that I'm not as young as I used to be, but also that I'm so much more awesome than I used to be. I'm trying to celebrate that.
October 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCorinna
Oh no I do not like to take or look at self portraits...but I will try again this month. I am comfortable with where I am at the moment however....
October 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGail O
i really love your post. i find i can really relate.
i love how you are continuing to define and redefine... i think that is a forever thing. one we need to embrace more. thank you for this post sarah. i do love to see your sweet smile up there too. wish you were coming to camp. i was really hoping to meet you.
this was a recent shot of me i took. the dya my daughter left for college for the first time ever. i was hit with SO many emotions, some predictable but some unexpected.... a day when my role in her life forever shifted.... and with it i was a bit floored.
October 3, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkristin
You have amazing timing. I just did a post via Vouceboks that is ABCs of me. no pics v

Overall, I am working on how to get old me and mom me to meet each other.
October 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterVal @ Mental Chew
Well; learning is initial step in way to get discover yourself; retrieving what you are a bit tricky but after getting this anyone van change their life and enlightens their lives with new light.

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October 8, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterusb drive repair

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