for the love of lines

I often don't know how to get inside a photograph. Do you know what I mean? I stand on the edge of an event, a protest, a gathering... and I don't always know how to best jump in. What do I focus on? Where do I choose to look? It takes me some time to get comfortable and find my focus, narrow my view down to a few frames that tell the best story.
Photography is a powerful tool. We wield our cameras with the possibility to share perspective. When I am outside of my comfort zone {gulp!} I often don't know where to begin. The job seems too big. When I feel myself in this struggle... that's when I most want to push myself with my photography and break through those walls.
I am totally drawn to the old bricks of this port city. The age and weather begs to be seen and shared. I stare up at these buildings; covered with ivy, dripping with story. My feet freeze below me as I stand for a minute trying to figure out how best to frame the shot. Shooting buildings {for me} is outside my comfort zone. They just stand there unwaivering! No chasing needed, they are proud and strong and never blink. So why is it that they make me cringe?
I think figuring out your boundaries is a great step in improving your photography. I am constantly on the lookout for the learning curve. I like its steepness. I like being schooled; and depending on the day, coming away from an event with a memory card full of garbage is a good thing, albeit frustrating. It only forces me to try harder next time. To seek inspiration.
And so it is with me and buildings. I try to come at them from different angles. To find the love of lines. To create something abstract from brick and mortar. That is the challenge. And so I seek out inspiration in different forms.
Share with us today your perspective. What lies outside your photography comfort zone? How often do you attempt to shoot it? How do you begin climbing that learning curve?
Reader Comments (20)
Love the brickwork in your image..and - for a moment - I thought those curved window heads with the green were eyes and eyelashes looking at me. and
I am allowing myself to be pulled outside of my comfort zone by Tracey's weekly prompts in Picture Inspiration. this week the prompt is "fly on the wall". photographing walls and buildings is definitely outside of my comfort zone, but I like to play along and learn from the amazing shots shared by all the wonderful people participating in the course.
this is the shot I decided to share for this week's prompt, after having taken more photos of walls in the last few days than in the previous 5 years:
Shooting landscapes is something I've had a stab at before but never really embraced - it's what the situation clled for though!
Me and tripods just don't get on so all the photos I took were hand held - It was certainly a novelty dialing-up the aperture to the high numbers, that felt really strange.
Here are some of the many, many shots I took...
Love the composition that you came up with and the unusual angle that you've chosen in this capture!
I like to explore a subject from different angles, compositions, view points, etc. The goal always being to figure out what is most significant to me about the subject. I may be drawn to the color, pattern, shapes, feeling, or meaning of a particular place or object.
The blog post that I've chosen illustrates this process, to some degree. The first shot is more conventional, the next focuses in on the curves, composition, end of the season feeling and the last, a B&W, is all about intriguing pattern and values.
In Kat Sloma's excellent "Find Your Eye" course, we were challenged to step outside our comfort zone - here are two posts about my frustrations (and joys) with that process:
It's always been a challenge for me.
The brick buildings photographed for this post . . . well, they are just great!
I love the angle, the colors, the processing effects.
Wonderful. Sunny Sunday in Downtown Houston Lovers by the sea My oldest daughter
Here's an example: