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heart of a wanderer

 "Not all who wander are lost." -J.R.R. Tolkien

I am not sure if there is anything I love more photographically than wandering around with my camera in hand.  I live in suburbia, but whenever I can, I take a short drive north to a more urban setting.  Though I am completely unsure if I would love living in a city full time (though I do muse on it),  I do know I feel right at home on photowalks in one.  A city is ripe with color, texture, decay, progress, noise, rhythm, diversity, strangeness, art, people, LIFE, beautiful life. That just excites the photographer in me. The shyer more reserved me seems to fall away in an urban setting. Perhaps I feel I can hide more in a city, blend with the many others slinging cameras and pointing their own lenses this way and that. Or the city is just too busy to notice me and my constant desire for a shot. Whatever the reason,  I relish the anonymity and become freer with my shooting.

This weekend I took a little jaunt north with a sister friend.  It was a bit rainy, but we were not deterred. We walked in sync, pausing here and there clicking away in between laughter and nods, never needing to say, "hey wait one minute I just want to take a shot of this", that was exactly why we were there. It is always a blessing to share time like that with someone who gets "it". When I have the chance to walk freely, uninterrupted, it opens me up to really seeing.  Instead of just moving straight ahead, I linger, look down, look up, explore more. Words seem to call out, wanting to be noticed.  Shiny surfaces become self portrait opportunities.  Puddles, a mirror for the world. All the people, faces, tattoos, hairstyles, fashion statements grab my attention.  This is when the beauty of digital really hits home.  I can walk for 2 hours and shoot 2 to 2000 shots if I want.  There are no limits, just shoot!  I liken it to a treasure hunt. A bit of a euphoric photography fix. I get home and can't wait to load my photos and click through the images of the day.  This particular walk seemed to be ripe with words.  Perhaps it was my headspace at the time,  needing, wanting, desiring messages from the universe to materialize for me.  "TRUST IT please", "FATE", and the handwritten sign above with the the words, "FIND YOUR VOICE",  left on the side of a building where a rally had gathered spoke directly to me that day. Each click I felt my heart race a little faster as I nodded internally to the words I found, yes yes yes!  I went home feeling so satisfied with the beauty I witnessed and shared that day.

What makes your heart race photographically?  What are you drawn to when given the chance to wander?

DO share!  I think how and what we see says so much about who we are.  We are the seekers. 


Reader Comments (16)

This is such a beautiful post and message.
Sometimes - for me - there's nowhere to wander..but only to seek out the moments of light:
October 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarcie
I love to walk around taking urban photos, particularly in other cities. I live in a more tropical, further north city in Australia but recently visited Melbourne, which is very different.

Architecture fascinates me, particularly beautiful, old homes. So many historical, lovely old homes in Australia are being torn down to put up apartment blocks, I try to take photos where I can.
October 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEmma
What a great prompt for today. I admit I've been surprised by what has drawn me in photographically. of late.
October 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLeAnne
What makes my heart race photographically?
Trying something new or something I haven't done in years in PSE.
I get totally lost in time when . . . it just clicks . . . and the editing excitement is fresh.
October 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDebC
the great outdoors. It's God's beauty that opens my photographic eye. I tend to wander into the woods or along the road less traveled
October 5, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterautumn sun
Close encounters with wildlife always get my heart racing, When they look at you and you make a connection there's nothing like it.
October 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKathryn Dyche Dechairo
New here, and am very happy have found you (via maddie at persisting stars :). I wander wherever I can. Big cities with wayward streets, grumpy buildings and graffitied walls. Small towns with hidden history, decrepit signage and vintage furniture, and then there is nature. She never lets me down :).
October 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMJ
What makes my photographic heart race? Still life, my vintage cameras and doing styled self portraits, I lovelove those. To wit: Fall comes to Texas (selfie) Volver (in which I pretend to be Penelope Cruz) Retro girl Another retro selfie

Vintage camera goodness:
October 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLibertad Leal
I am coming to the end of my 365 (8 more days!!) which I really believed from the outset was about finding my voice. With that intention over the past year, I feel like my whole life has started to open into a more beautiful world of possibilities. I can so relate to the experience of the photowalk you describe, and also to the realization that I just have to give myself space to do it, regardless of how annoying it might be to others:
October 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCorinna
It's wonderful when that happens - I can understand why your heart raced!
I don't often get the chance to shoot ready and willing human models but I did earlier in the year and I relished every second of it...
October 5, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterangie
Wow, hit the nail on the head. I am moved by others photos/vision and feel like digital photog. Opens up an extra dimension. My heart races when I see what was seen and communicated.
October 5, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterstarrlife
It's wonderful when that happens - I can understand why your heart raced!
October 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMalata tablet
When the rare opportunity presents itself, I love wandering with my camera. I'm drawn to colors and textures and love finding the unusual among the usual.
October 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJodi
I am reading your post in my lazy Saturday afternoon and I have found myself nodding and smiling at your words. Everything mirrors in my experience! I am from a small Italian city and here I get so shy. It seems that the whole town is staring at me, when I'm behind my camera. But when I'm in NYC, where I live (part-time, if that makes sense) I feel so free and inspired and excited like a kid.
So, what makes my heart race? Coney Island = photos + lunapark + colors + music + cotton candy??? paradise!
and the magical field trip I took with my photo-mate-goodfriend Silvia to Dead Horse bay:
pure joy!

thanks for your article!
October 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterUpGemini

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