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The Six Questions featuring Jesse Freidin


Photographer Jesse Freidin isn't just your average shutter brother. In fact, he's top dog. Literally. Jesse's unique style of dog photography has earned him critical acclaim and the praises of photography buffs and dog lovers everywhere. I mean, what's not to love? From his Doggie Gaga project to his latest photo workshop with the Impossible Project, Jesse is full of great ideas and awesome images!

We are thrilled to have him here answering our Six Questions. In Jesse's case, he opted to answer a few more for us. What guy! 

1. What's the story behind this photo?

This is one of my favorite images from my current Impossible Dog Series, which is created completely on The Impossible Project’s new instant films. I walk my own dog down this stair case every day on the way to the dog park, and have been dying for an excuse to photograph there- the light and texture is dreamy.

2. What was it that lit your photography spark? Do you remember a particular camera, course, person, roll of film?

I’ve been enthralled with creating instant images since I was little- borrowing my parent’s Polaroid and secretly wasting their film when they weren’t looking. But it wasn’t until I bought my first beat up old Polaroid Land Camera during my first year of college that my brain totally exploded. I remember peeling that first black/white peel-apart Polaroid and feeling my heart literally skip a beat. I had created something with this temperamental plastic camera that perfectly matched the image in my head. And it was beautiful and imperfect. From that second forward nothing has brought me more extreme joy than photographing. It is a need. It is a creative addiction.

3. What's your photo philosophy? Does it reflect your life philosophy?

A good question… Though I’m known for my work with animals, I do a fair amount of human portrait work (mostly for my personal portfolio) on the side. Yet my approach is always the same- there needs to be a connection between you and your subject, and within that connection there needs to be a string of emotion. In my head, that emotional string (it looks like red yarn in my mind… don’t ask why) connects the heart/mind of the photographer, runs through the camera, and attaches to the heart/mind of the subject. The photographer needs to open himself up to the experience of the image in order to create an authentic photograph. I’d like to say that this is how I live my everyday life as well, but it always seems easier to do when I have a camera in front of my face.

4. Where do you look for inspiration?

I feel inspired by watching people connect with their animal companions, and I feel inspired standing in the middle of a field in the middle of nowhere. I love taking myself to museums and wandering around, and building my photography book collection. I get a lot of inspiration from other photographers, musicians, film makers who push the limits of their field.

5. What would you say is one of your 'signature' editing tricks, themes or

style? What do you think makes an image recognizable and uniquely yours?

I use a 1970s Hasselblad, black/white 120 film, hand process all my negatives, print all my photographs by hand in my darkroom, cut all my own archival matts and frames, and make sure each piece that leaves the studio is signed and perfect. Start to finish I am creating my prints with my hands, and staying true to the craft of traditional photography. I guess I’m just stubborn, but I want to create the most intensely beautiful photographs I possibly can for my clients. And to me- a warmly printed photograph on the highest quality fiber based paper is the epitome of magical. I think I’m one of the last photographers using this method on the West Coast- maybe the country. I’ll continue printing this way until I cannot get supplies. Or pass out from chemistry inhalation. Whichever comes first.

6. What aspect of your photography are you constantly working on, trying to improve?

I’m not much of a gear-head, and never know what the newest lens is or who has the best pixelthings. But I’m always striving to learn from other experienced photographers, go to seminars or exhibits, and learn how to continue to stay dynamic. Also, I wish I was better at talking while photographing. But that one’s hard to practice.

7. If you could go anywhere in the world for an epic, week long photo excursion all by your luxuriously unhurried self - regardless of money, time or childcare issues - where would you go and why?

I drove across Rt. 66 years ago when I moved from the East Coast to California. I’d give anything to do that trip again, with 37 cameras in town. The desolation and color and space and light was just so inspiring.

8. Are there women out there that you consider your shutter sisters? Who, and why?

Annie Leibovitz and Diane Arbus are two of my top favorite photographers, and always have been. I think they are spiritual ‘shutter sisters.’ I could maybe be their ‘shutter brother.’

To learn more about Jesse and his work, visit his website and for more info about The Impossible Dog Portrait workshop at The Impossible Project Space in NY, check out this blog post. Rumor has it he has only a few spots left so if you want to attend be sure to sign up right away.

Let's give a big sisterly nod to Jesse, his imagery and the love of our creature companions by sharing our pet portraits today! Woof!

Reader Comments (18)

I have never heard of Jesse before, thank you so much for sharing his work! I'm utterly thrilled to read his views and working practises with regards to shooting with film and keeping true to traditional photography… kind of guy!
May 19, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersuzie
Such inspiring work. Love that Jesse is true to the craft and art of instant photography. Thank-you for this!
May 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarcie
I love this interview and the style of Jesse's work. Thanks so much for introducing us!

Here is my favorite pet portrait, of my dearly beloved and now departed dog Tasha. I am so happy that I have this happy image of her, now that she is gone:
May 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKat
Great interview. Thank you for featuring this wonderful artist. The route 66 drive would be amazing. It's on my bucket list.

I'm sure there will be lots of response to this blog post. We all love our pets. I'll pick a current favorite of my cat and dog to share:

Our cat Ozzy — regally posing for a shot:

Our dog, Bentley — soon after we rescued him from the shelter:
May 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDoris
i love these photos. a great interview too--- thanks for introducing me to his work.
here is my favorite furry girl saying her morning goodbye to my husband
May 19, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterurban muser
Jesse, your work is amazing!!! I found your insights and the way you work very inspiring. Glad to hear that you are keeping these processes alive!
May 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnna
What a fantastic interview, thanks for sharing it with us. I myself take a million pictures of my pets, I just can't help it. Here is one of my favorites of my little buddy Sam.
May 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDeanna Jinjoe
great interview jesse! i love your doggie gaga project. these two images you have shared here today are simply beautiful.
May 19, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermeredith winn
What a great interview! I had never heard of Jessie before, I loved seeing his images. Thank you!

Oh and this line: "It is a need. It is a creative addiction." The best ever. So true, for me at least.
May 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLibertad Leal
Oh pet portraits... did one of my long-suffering hound just the other day:
May 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCorinna
Your work is excellent. I love your perspective and I enjoyed reading your interview. Love an excuse to post a shot of my little sweetie.
May 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJess
Great interview (even though I'm not much of a dog person...sorry!)
My O.L.D. cat, Daisy:
May 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKathleen O.
I captured these pictures the other day of my gorgeous pooch!
May 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLeanne
Had already had a peak at Jesse's wonderful work on his website earlier. Jesse's work is amazing. I love the feel of the photo's (Lola Rose 1/5 is so loving).

Here is a portrait of my favorite cat Tipsie. She passed away in 2006, after 19 years of love together. The photo isn't a good quality, but it shows Tipsie's character so well.
May 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJofabi
love following your blog!

+ our tiny gift of gratitude
August 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterems adams

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