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smiling at strangers

I don't think people smile enough anymore, myself included.  In New York City, most people are too caught up in the hustle bustle of every day. We move through life without looking up, often not connecting with any of the other 8 million people who live here. Believe it or not, sometimes it can be a lonely place.

 This is especially true underground on the subway where everyone has their own little routines and distractions--reading the newspaper, listening to music, swiping away on smart phones, kindles and iPads, or even sleeping. We have our commutes down to a science.  We know exactly where to stand on the platform to be in the perfect spot when the doors slide open at our destination so as to not waste a single moment.  And although we sit, stand and hover a mere inches from each other every day there is rarely any eye contact, and definitely not enough smiles.


So I decided to play my small part in trying to do something about it. I recently started leaving notes on the subway that simply say "smile at a stranger today."  I've typed them, handwritten them and even had some little cards made. I've taped them to walls in subway stations and train cars and I often leave them on the seats where they will catch the most attention.  Yesterday, a woman picked up one of the notes I left as she sat down across from me.  She read it, looked up, and smiled.  And today, these two people struck up a conversation after I left my notes on the seat next to them.  I don't expect to change the world but I'll take what I can get, one smile at a time.


How about you?  Have you sent any messages to the universe lately? Whether it's literally with notes or words, or creatively through your photographs, share with us today what you are saying to the world around you.


Images and words courtesy of iphoneographer Christy of Urban Muser. You can also find her at Mortal Muses every nine days or so. 


Reader Comments (46)

what a great project, that smile note
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChantal
I love this. And I do believe you make the world a little more beautiful this way. My compliments!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKarin
Love this! Such an inspiring project!
I - too - try to send beauty out into the universe in a different..less direct way:
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarcie
I already am a big fan of her! good share!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercamaca
Yup, this is why I love your photography! xo
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTammy Lee Bradley
Good for you! I try to smile and say hi to people all the time.
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commentergwen
What a great way to change the world! Oh I love it!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPuna
I'm the people on the subway mind that you're taking their picture? I've frequently seen neat looking shots of strangers on the street or wherever but have been intimidated at the idea of taking pictures of people I don't know. How they might react. Do you say something to them after you've taken their photo? Or just do it all on the sly?

However you go about it, the photos are great. And the notes are a great idea too.

July 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteramanda
These photos tell so many stories! I'd love to hear how you snap pictures of strangers without invading their space. Do you ask permission first? Do you get their okay to post them on the Internet? I was at the beach yesterday and felt funny trying to take pictures of the ocean because people were in the way and I didn't want them to think I was some kind of voyeur or something! Thanks.
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLinda Jacobs
What a fantastic idea. I love this. I love the woman who picked up the paper looked up and smiled.

This photo of mine came to mind. My cousin and his wife sharing a 30 anniversary moment at the Field Museum in Chicago. I love that activity all around them and they only have eyes for each other.

This shot always makes me smile:
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDoris
What a wonderful post. I often smile at people on public transport and they often smile back!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKirstin
tracey, thank you so much for this opportunity--what an honor!

to answer some of the questions about how i take these photos--no, i do not ask permission, and it is within my rights in new york to photograph a stranger so long as the photo is not being used for any commercial purpose. my style of street (or subway in this instance) photography is to catch people in the moment, and asking permission usually takes away that raw emotion or scene that i am hoping to capture. it is something that takes practice and you gain confidence and comfort with it the more you do it. if you are interested in this style of photography, you should try it!! shutter sister stephanie roberts also answered this question in her post earlier this week if you want to take a look for her take on the matter.

thanks to everyone for your kind comments today, this is a wonderful community to be a part of, and i really appreciate it!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterurban muser
Love it, great idea Christy!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterApril
I seriously love this project. I'm guilty of not smiling enough so this is a great reminder for me!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAshley Sisk
Christy, I do love this project and your work! City life is, for the most part, not much a part of my life ~ but, I get to experience it through your captures. You are touching others not only with this project, but with your photos , too!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnna
This made me smile, so I'll pay it forward today, and tomorrow...
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMisty
I love this post and I love the B/W collage that goes with it.

I dont smile a lot...not because I'm conitnually sad LOL I just....dont. Maybe I should...make it a concious effort...force it...and eventually it will come more easy to me.

thank you for that...push...
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjakki
What a great idea, esp. if it makes conversation between strangers.

We live in a small suburban town where I often jog and it always amazes me that most of the people that I pass who are either jogging or walking have no intention of saying hi or making eye contact. I take it as a challenge to be even more enthusiastic with my greeting.

July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBecky Sue
christy, I love, love, love this project. I tried it yesterday (posted on your flickr site) and not only was it deliciously delightful to make the note and find a spot for it, but it was a reminder to myself to smile at strangers all day long. when I left work, the note was still taped to the bench where I put it in the morning. And today I am making another...and tomorrow, another. Thanks for the inspiration!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKim Tackett
This is such a lovely thing to do - what a great idea!

We can never know how we might touch someone else's life in some small way that we're not even aware of. Simply by smiling at someone you might change their whole day.
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGilly
What a cool thing to do. Sometimes I drop notes into the lockers at the gym on my lunchtime workout. Here are a few ready to go: This is a good reminder to make up another batch!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnnGeeDee
What a wonderful idea! I truly love it. I am one of those annoying people who smiles at everybody and compliments strangers on their shoes and I absolutely believe that a simple smile can lift another person's spirits, so why not?

Well, I think that generally speaking I use my photography to try to communicate that life is beautiful and that simple moments, things and details are where the good stuff is. However, there have been a couple of images in which I have actually tried to send a particular message: The sky is the limit Soar
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLibertad Leal
The older I get the more I slow down and enjoy the beauty around me. So I say to the world, "stop and smell the roses" or in this case "photograph the butterflies". Either way, LIFE IS GOOD!!!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpthurmond1
Yay! Glad to hear it's starting to work Christy...I was wanting to hear if you were able to witness them in action. Changing one person's day in one little insignificant moment can change the lives/days of everyone that person runs into that can make the world a better place. Looking forward to leaving my first note!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnika @ Pasando
I'm always amused when someone blogs about something that I've been doing for years. In fact, I have even been thinking of using that exact phrase as a blog title~~if I ever start one :~)

I started smiling at strangers way back in high school, i.e., the sixties :~) I grew up in the suburbs of Los Angeles, so it was a tough sell, even at the beach, where I was lucky enough to live for forty years. Hardly anyone smiles back.

To give my fellow Angelinos credit, it's a stressful place and everyone is too preoccupied to even notice a stranger smiling at them. But then again, they probably just think I'm nuts :~/

But when I moved to Portland, Oregon in 2006, I was amazed to find that almost everyone smiles back!!! Not only do they smile back, but some even say Hello~~FIRST!!! What a concept :~)

So I, too, highly recommend Smiling at Strangers. You may brighten someone's day and cheer yourself up, too!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterElaine
I have only recently discovered urban muser and am happy I did.
these subway shots are magnificent
I usually ask permission after I take shots.. to not spoil the spontaneity momentum.
must introduce this into life here;. no one smiles on the subway :(
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteranni
Christy I'm a huge fan of your shots on Instagram and I love your project!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDebra
already a fan of Christy
great photos and great idea!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermissing moments
What a great thing to do. I live in a small country town in Australia, where most people know everyone else, at least by sight, and generally greet or smile at each other as we go about our daily business. I cannot imagine what it must be like living in NY amongst so many strangers who might even be fearful of looking up at you. Well done. As the song says.....from little things, big things grow..
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSue McB
Interesting project, love it! Funny tho, when I first moved to Connecticut from the midwest I often smiled at people who glanced at me as a simple, kind gesture...a little hello without words. Well, my parents and I took a trip to NYC and as we were riding the subway, without really thinking about it, I smiled at someone in the way I had always done. Well, unfortunately, he took it the wrong way and ever since I started to curb my smile. When I think about that day, in some ways, it feels as if a tiny bit of my kind nature was taken away, and I've become more guarded.

Then my parents moved to Maine at the end of a road out in the country. Everyone waved at everyone else when approaching each other in their cars. Once again, it was a simple, kind gesture....a little hello without words. My husband liked the gesture so much that he started doing it here in our neighborhood in Connecticut. Still to this day I'll say, "Who were you waving at?" and he'll say, "I dunno, just being friendly!" :-))
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDiane
that's awesome christy! and thanks for the reminder!
Work this great always makes me smile!
So nicely done!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSpilledInkGuy
Truly a great project. I love your work! Always look forward to your interpretation of life in photos!!!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterVeronica
You really have a gem of an idea here Christy, and I love it!
What a sweetheart you are!
Loving these photographs!
July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLisa
this is great! i love the photography AND the whole idea behind it.

this reminds me a little of this...

i love things like this... things done in this sort of spirit or vein. good for you for spreading a little bit of joyful admonishment. you've inspired me to do something like it... not sure what, yet. but i will think of something!
July 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commentergeorgia
I recently read an article similar to this one, and after reading it have made a conscious effort to smile at people I pass. Almost without fail, they return the smile. It makes for a much more pleasant day!
July 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKaren W
That's kind of awesome :)
July 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMelody
Beautiful idea! You have put out more than cards...I will remember to smile more just because of what I have read here. :)
July 16, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjoan
Hello, I think your hand and heart out to the universe is a blessing to us all. Im smiling back at you and thank you so, will carry this treasure of your words and meaning in my heart softly
July 17, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlinda
Love this, musey pal! Smiles to you.... x
July 17, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermosey
Hello once again, that I found your blog I think became blog budies lol!Apart all Jokes nice page!I'm Marco I'm newbie at this web surfing stuff!Enjoyed a lot here <a href="">Moncler Men</a>
July 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMoncler Men
Oh I wish you would read what I finally got around to posting about my experience with a stranger! I was away to see my dad before he died and had this encounter with a stranger on the drive back home. I finally posted it:

I'm so glad I felt like checking out SS and reading a few of the posts I missed while away.
July 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDiane
some months ago my friend Osman, a refugee from Sierra Leone, was fooling around with a pair of glasses he found lying around the house. I decided to overcome my shyness and fear and asked him if he wanted to pose for me, even though i really don' t know him very well and we are not (yet) ' familiar' with each other
July 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commentergucci outlet
However, a letter Wednesday from Senate Democrats said the Republican plan has no chance of passing the Senate. For their part, top Republicans called the Democratic plan a non-starter
July 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHermes

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