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new beginnings

Today my 10 month old daughter took her very first steps on her own. She looked at me, extended her arms, launched herself forward, and after 4 little steps, she fell on her bum. My husband and I cheered, clapped and squeezed her with hugs. "Well done!" She then picked herself up and clapped too! 

I look at her and all the new beginnings in her life, and I feel so proud of how she meets every single moment with courage and excitement. I wonder when and why we all end up losing our spontaneity and our joy in learning along the way. I wonder why we feel so inadequate when we are learning and making mistakes, or when we want to experiment with something new but feel afraid, or when we don't even attempt new things because we worry about failure and judgement. I wonder why we forget that we can always pick ourselves up and do it over and over until we are happy with it. I wonder why we don't celebrate all those attempts we make, because we really do some amazing work trying... And mostly, I wonder why we loose sight that learning is fun, essential and truly universal. Everyone has things to learn no matter how capable, wealthy or brave they are. And guess what? Everyone starts wobbly. Fact.

So let's take some first steps towards the new things we want to learn, shall we? Sign up for that class, read that manual, buy that book, call that friend or teacher... Let's take a step or two today, and regardless of what happens next, let's promise each other that we will give ourselves a round of applause, because new beginnings are always beautiful and something we should all be proud of.

Now, please share with us one fabulous thing you still would like to learn and attempt in this lifetime! If you are inclined, also post an image (from someone else or yours) that inspires you to learn something new (link to source, please). Don't think too much. Just have fun with this! :)

Reader Comments (30)

We learn so many life lessons from watching our children grow.
And - I've been trying new things....pointing my camera at people and children..capturing their innocence and joy:
July 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarcie
I tend to shy away from new experiences because of a fear of failure. I've been trying to face that head on this year and get some failure under my belt.
July 16, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteramanda
Absolutely wonderful, not to mention inspiring, post!
Thank you so much ---
July 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJudith
This was just one of the most beautiful & inspiring posts I've read in a while! This whole year has been about new begnnings- finding this site, joining flickr, taking one of Tracey's "Picture" classes. I have been taking baby steps till now, but I think this was just the push I needed to get off my bum and get moving! Thank you Alex!
July 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKaty
This photo is adorable! I love this blog too.

For me photography is still something new. Even though I've been taking photos for 35 years, I've never had instruction. Recently I've joined a photography club and at last weeks meeting we had a well known photographer and judge critque out work. I learned, I have a lot to learn. The photographer, Paul Wingler is teaching a class this weekend and I'm very excited to attend.

I hope in the near future the photos seen on my weekly blog: will be taken to the next level and improved.

If you ever get a chance to attend one of Paul's classes I recommend it. Here's a link to his facebook page:!/note.php?note_id=187359377987604
July 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDoris
Just yesterday I taught myself how to take video with my Canon 7D. It may seem simple to some and now it seems simple to me but I was so happy to be able to take a video of my sons' fabulous concert last evening.
July 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBecky Sue
Your blog post caught me on the perfect day . . . one new beginning:
July 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDebC
What a perfect post for me this morning. Just this week, I took my first steps to becoming a professional photographer by doing my first family shoot. This beautiful family wanted pictures with their dog, as she is getting older. We were hoping for some beautiful sunset shots in their backyard, but Mother Nature had other plans...the evening was gloomy and rainy.

So we headed inside, but because I only wanted to use natural light, the shutter speed needed to be quite slow. I tried to edit them in a way that allowed a little blur to look okay. This shoot would have been fabulous in the day...their home was full of windows!

I just want to thank all the amazing shutter sisters is this site that has given me the courage to take the leap, make mistakes, and use those mistakes as lessons - not failures. Thank you all!!!

Here are a few of my favourites...
July 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNatsterNat
I don't know if I would call it a new beginning, but every day is a new beginning in one way or another. We don't often get family photos together, as I actually hate to be photographed, but here we are. Completely unexpected and spontaneous, and even a selfie. I need to do this more often!
July 16, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkoreen
I want to learn to belly dance, scat like a jazz singer, make pasta from scratch, and tango. There are so many things I want to learn!

This post reminded me of my 4-year-old nephew. Last Thanksgiving, my husband gave him his first trumpet lesson. He didn't get much sound out at first, but he was determined and having a ball doing it! Here are a few of my favorite photos:

We were all cheering and laughing. It was so much fun!
July 16, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdarrah parker
My first time viewing your photography blog and it is amazing. I love your work.& congrats on your bundle's 1st steps.
July 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTaj M
My husband inspires me each day to learn more and more, and I love him for doing that
July 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChantal
what a great post alex. i recently was gifted a new camera. much more high tech than my first. i feel intimidated and keep telling myslef it is too much for me. but you are SO right, try and make mistakes and get up and try again, and relish it all. thanks for the reminder.
July 17, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkristin
Some days I'm nearly frustrated by the feeling of time flying by and there's so much to learn and do. My list just keeps growing. One thing on the list is to make soldiered jewelry. I've purchased all of the materials and tools, but they sit put away, dusty, not used yet. *sigh* Perhaps this week, I'll put other things aside and make that first step. Thanks for the push.
July 17, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermaureen @ Cottage 960
In my 51st year ( this September) I want to learn to surf.

I already have a wet suit as the water's always a bit chilly in Cornwall and I plan to take lessons this fall to see if I can do it.
love this post. so wise! and beautiful. and exactly how I feel: living a new beginning. this month I decided to jump in photography and bought myself a good camera: - since it's my first one I don't really know how to use it (I practice on 'automatic' and I'm participating in Picture Inspiration) and also I signed up for a photography workshop that starts in September and I'm learning Photoshop since Monday.
July 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAna Eugenio
For me, the problem isn't fear in trying new things, it's time. I'm trying to find a photography class, join up with a photography club, read my camera manual, but time... Plus, I'm a writer and the list of To Do's there is immense also. Maybe my fear is commitment, devoted myself to one main thing when there are so many things I love to do and so many more that I want to try.

One good place I've found for understandable beginner information is here at

For inspiration, I found the Urban Muser on Shutter Sisters and visited her blog. I like her slice of life in NY style and if I ever do improve... in
July 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMaery Rose
Oops pasted the wrong address for urban muser... it's

Once again the problem with rushing... But mistakes are forgivable right?
July 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMaery Rose
I want to learn how to light my images more creatively. I am currently reading Lighting 101 from the Strobist website:
July 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnnGeeDee
Couldnt agree more with that, very attractive article.
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July 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMoncler Scarf & Hat
Well, I recently purchased my first off camera flash system and really have to make time to learn how to harness the light. I keep booking more jobs, paid and unpaid. I eventually want to make photographs and frame full time. I know people around me think I'm crazy for wanting to start my own business....all these things are little challenges along the way and not trying would be worse than failing.
July 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCarmine
vWell, I recently purchased my first off camera flash system and really have to make time to learn how to harness the light. I keep booking more jobs, paid and unpaid. I eventually want to make photographs and frame full time. I know people around me think I'm crazy for wanting to start my own business....all these things are little challenges along the way and not trying would be worse than failing.<a href="">gucci outlet</a>
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