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what's your medium?

"People who work creatively usually have something in common: they love the media they work with. Finding the medium that excites your imagination, that you love to play with and work in, is an important step to freeing your creative energies."- Sir Ken Robinson, The Element

Although the Polaroid sx-70 is my camera of choice (and used to take the photo above), I also shoot with a digital camera (Canon 5D), Holga, Holgaroid (Holga + Polaroid back), Polaroid Land 250 camera and most recently with a Leica minilux. Exploring different formats and mediums not only allows me to widen my perspective on life and gives me access to all of the ways in which I experience the world, it also helps me discover what I like, what I don't like, where my own true strengths lie, and eventually expand my understanding of my own creativity.

Have you found your medium? If yes, please share images with us today. If not, tell us: What are you experimenting with?

Reader Comments (19)

Lovely shot! I too love Polaroid. I've yet to get my hands on an SX-70 but my old thrift-store Polaroid Spectra makes me pretty darn happy:
August 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCaryn
Beautiful blues in that sky! I'm similar to you, I have many different sorts of camera that I use. I have a compact Canon digital, which is quite old and probably won't last much longer (eek!), and lots of vintage film cameras that I love to use too. At the moment my favourite is one of my Lomo Smena 8Ms (I have 2) - it just has the perfect sort of feel for me, and it's a joy to use, especially when I want to create double exposures. I recently got a SX-70 and it's fast becoming one of my favourites too, I've been practicing with it a bit and love the results, even when they don't turn out quite how I wanted them to! It's the unpredictability that makes it exciting too, for me. Another great camera I have is just a simple cheap plastic point and shoot from the 80s - I think it was given away free with a magazine or something - and it works great with expired film. I like to keep it simple, if I can :)
August 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDeb
Irene, your Polaroid work is truly inspiring! I recently bought an sx-70 and a spectra. I posted last week about my early spectra experience. The takeaway....we are spoiled by digital, and film is a fun challenge! I can't wait to do more.
August 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterurban muser
I don't know if I've found my medium but it's fun doing the exploring. I recently purchased a Polaroid 420 Land Camera and am having a lot of fun experimenting. How do you get the best possible results transferring the images onto your computer?
August 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBecky Sue
Earlier this year I discovered the magic of the macro lens.

It's like seeing the world through new eyes.
August 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKathryn Dyche Dechairo
my medium is my digital, but I'm still a fairly new to photography, and I have enjoyed learning every aspect of it,...I only got my dslr last christmas! before that it was always a point & shoot. Now however I love using my iphone, so many different effects to it, and on my latest blog post I posted a little video I made!
August 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterolivia
Digital, digital, digital. After years and years of film and expense of printing, and fear of shooting photos that don't turn out the way I want, and then pay to have printed, I am over the top in love with digital. It totally frees my soul (and pocketbook) to point, frame quickly, shoot, and do it over and over again, no fear of bad shots. I load on my lap top, and when I have time and quiet I review and toss the cruddy ones and enjoy the good ones and dance around the room at the ones I really love. This last year we spend 8.5 months traveling the western USA, there were days I shot close to 600 photos. I could not afford to print 600 photos, yes, indeed, I love the freedom digital gives me, explore, shoot, shoot and shoot more.

I tend to shoot fast, from the hip, because frequently I am traveling at 55 to 65 mph and if I see something beautiful or interesting, I do no have a lot of time to think. SHOOT baby SHOOT! Photo editing, cropping to the photo my eye saw and not necessarily what the camera took a photo of is my next bestest friend.

I have 2 blogs, where I share some of these photos, Reflections is my over all blog, where you will find family research and a LOT of travel journal posts. Flora and Fauna is just that, a 365 of flora and/or fauna, into it's second 365. Not all photos are terrific, but they are something I want to remember or share.

Reflections is here:

and, Flora and Fauna is here:

Yes, digital is my medium, my creativity is loose and shooting thousands of photos, I'll never be a great photographer, but I am having fun and I am free - -
August 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercarol
I dabble in alot these days. In addition to my digital camera, I love Polaroid (SX-70 and Spectra), Diana, and I recently got an old 35mm film camera. I'm still working on mastering my SX-70, especially with the new film, but here's a recent portrait that I like (even on the Poor Pod film!).
August 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMeghan @ Life Refocused
I have been in love with iPhone apps lately. It's a whole new world...
August 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPuna
finding my medium is turning out to be a life' s journey and i' m still searching.....
what i know is that it will never be 'just' one thing, it will be something that allows me to combine sound and vision and touch (hey, what about smell, blimey, that' s a great new idea.....)
having ad/hd means my brain is always crammed with loads of stuff, some of it is brilliant and some of it completely useless and it is all connected
my aim is to get at the brilliant stuff without schlepping along all the useless bits:-))) not an easy task...
at the moment i am completely iPhone obsessed, my iPhone goes where i go and allows me to capture within a few seconds what i see in the blink of an eye.... the perfect medium for me!
the iPhone has its limitations though, so lately i have been digging up my Canon eos 400 and lenses and i'm learning how to shoot some of the images that i've had on my mind for some time now

today i went to the railway station to pick up my dad and suddenly 'saw' this big glass building
couldn' t leave without having a shot at it....
August 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrakusribut
I'm still rather new to photography .. . about 2 years into taking it seriously, so mainly I love to use my Canon 7D with my most favorite lens: 100mm Macro f/2.8L IS. I have dabbled over the years in many different media for creativity . . . from writing fiction, to stained glass to jewelry making. I loved them all, but photography fits my life, as a working mom, the best for now . . . it's not too intense like writing and much more convenient than crafty arts :)
August 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBonnie
My digital SLR is not only my creative medium, it is a mobility aid. As I'm legally blind, having the immediate feedback of digital photography is truly a blessing. I'm able to take photos of what I do see and share my perspective with loved ones. Sometimes when it's nighttime and my vision is at its worst, I hold the camera steady and shoot. I can see nothing with my eyes in that situation and yet through that photo I'm able to see that there is a chair there, a table there etc. It's wonderful.
August 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLucent Imagery
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August 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdearhandbags
loving my new i-phone.
I totally was drawn to the fabulous photos I was seeing and had to be part of the instagram wave.
having so much fun with it.
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHeather
I've found my "medium" changes with the subject matter and (sometimes) the seasons. This summer I've been learning to surf and shooting with a waterproof plastic toy camera that's given me Lomo-esq vignetting and flare - take a look!
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMichael
Like you my medium is all sorts of cameras (I have to sneak them into the house to avoid the eye rolls and/or an intervention)! As well as my digital Canon 5D MkII (which I love) I also love using film. My Hasselbladski and Pentax K1000 are current faves - and of course my beloved Polaroid SX-70.
August 17, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterangie
35mm film all the way. Absolutely passionate about shooting with film, and am on a mission to get everyone else at it!
August 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersuzie
nice photo shot...surely taken by a professional...
August 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterct car service
There are many things should be taken into consideration, but you’ve made a good point here. Thanks a lot for that. I will follow your way soon.

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