You read it here first: some telephones are telephone-cameras. Telephone-cameras! Telephones, but also cameras! At the same time!

I bet if you look back on Shutter Sisters, ever single contributor has posted that one where she goes, "Lookmynewphone!" <Shutter Sister notes the icon that says CAMERA> "Oh, oh my! Oh gosh." <Shutter Sister bites knuckle> "What about my art? My training? My 24-70? OOOH!" <Shutter Sister squeals> "HIPSTAGRAM APP! TOY CAMERA APP! MANUAL EXPOSURE APP!"
Okay so fine. The squeal is over the top. Shutter Sisters do not squeal. Not like that, unless in the company of Jen Lemen, an Epiphanie bag, or Kristin's vintage leather strap.
I was doubtful. Cellphones made me cranky. They never seemed to be able to usefully penetrate whatever magnetic forcefield that surrounds a five-foot radius of my body.
Then, approximately three decades after everyone else and only because you can't find a payphone anymore let alone a quarter, I got an iPhone.
Then I noted the CAMERA icon. I sniffed at it. I took a few shots. I signed up for Instagram. And a cropping app. And a light meter app. And three processing apps. And ... um. This, uhhh. Well it's really kind of neat. It's a thing that, uhhh. It's a t-t-toy camera app.
I'm still skimming the surface of it all, unsure of what to put through what. I'm poring through Stephanie's book. So far, I'm just transfixed by how the iPhone changes how I see. It's not the same as having a 7D in my hands. It's more discreet, less burdened. It fits in my pocket. It can't create what I want it to, but it's adding to my eye. Take away the 24-70, the 1.8, the heft of what's proper, and what you're left with is strictly compositional. In shooting, there's not much else to think about other than framing. And so I do, with greater attentiveness and vigor than I have in a while.
Share your favourite point-and-shoot or mobile device shot of late. Has iphoneography changed how or what you shoot when you return to your SLR? Have you gotten the hang of it yet -- has it replaced photography you'd otherwise approach differently, or has it added a new niche of photos to your portfolio or social spaces that you didn't used to capture?
Reader Comments (32)
So here is one of my first self-portraits--
and this is after a few days
I now twitter quite a bit more - frankly, I'm somewhat dangerous.
my story is a lot like yours...:-))
i got my iPhone in october last year, mainly because i hoped it would help me become a bit more organized
never thought about the camera bit, until i walked into the most beautiful sunset i ever experienced
the colors were so out of this world that i wanted to rush home and grab my Canon, but then i suddenly realized i already had a camera with me
have been iPhone obsessed ever since
i totally agree with what you say: the iPhone adds to my eye and allows me to focus on my composition without being distracted or burdened by technique
just recently i have been returning to my Canon, and am really curious to find out how my iPhoneography has changed or influenced what i (can) do with my Canon....
I even worked up enough courage to do a selfie:
But isn't it great how it reaches different areas of the brain? I am just learning! It all feels new to me, every bit of it, even after a few years of dabbling in photography. It makes my heart race to see the limitless possibilities out there.
Here's a recent fave of mine, for various reasons, that has had a cool reception at best. Still, there is love in it for me:
And from the beginning to now:
but also many times it actually does a better job.
and because you can do cool stuff with it
(using the 360 app)
I do like the convenience of having it with me, but I still enjoy my SLR and sometimes will take a picture with both because I can get a much better picture with the SLR.
But, I like the iPhone camera for the reasons you mentioned, the not having to worry about settings, just framing. I often take pictures TOO close with the SLR. The iPhone camera gives me the wide angle shots. I know, there's a zoom on there but I don't like to use it.
It is a helpful and handy tool. I am learning with it.
And yes, it has helped me take pictures in places I wouldn't normally. Stealthy. Is that a bad thing?
The beginning:
I have an HTC Thunderbolt and it comes loaded with some great effects. Of course the are many to download as well. Just bought the Photojojo macro lens for it. Super FUN!
I love that a camera phone allows me to flex my creative muscles while I am in the learning phase with my dslr and the fact that it is always with me is pretty awesome...
And while on the road, it's indispensable!! Disneyland birthday T-Ball Night
Here is one of my latest favs not so much compositionally but using a fun app with a double exposure feature.
Thanks for sharing this post..