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You read it here first: some telephones are telephone-cameras. Telephone-cameras! Telephones, but also cameras! At the same time!

I bet if you look back on Shutter Sisters, ever single contributor has posted that one where she goes, "Lookmynewphone!" <Shutter Sister notes the icon that says CAMERA> "Oh, oh my! Oh gosh." <Shutter Sister bites knuckle> "What about my art? My training? My 24-70? OOOH!" <Shutter Sister squeals> "HIPSTAGRAM APP! TOY CAMERA APP! MANUAL EXPOSURE APP!"

Okay so fine. The squeal is over the top. Shutter Sisters do not squeal. Not like that, unless in the company of Jen Lemen, an Epiphanie bag, or Kristin's vintage leather strap.

I was doubtful. Cellphones made me cranky. They never seemed to be able to usefully penetrate whatever magnetic forcefield that surrounds a five-foot radius of my body.

Then, approximately three decades after everyone else and only because you can't find a payphone anymore let alone a quarter, I got an iPhone.

Then I noted the CAMERA icon. I sniffed at it. I took a few shots. I signed up for Instagram. And a cropping app. And a light meter app. And three processing apps. And ... um. This, uhhh. Well it's really kind of neat. It's a thing that, uhhh. It's a t-t-toy camera app.

I'm still skimming the surface of it all, unsure of what to put through what. I'm poring through Stephanie's book. So far, I'm just transfixed by how the iPhone changes how I see. It's not the same as having a 7D in my hands. It's more discreet, less burdened. It fits in my pocket. It can't create what I want it to, but it's adding to my eye. Take away the 24-70, the 1.8, the heft of what's proper, and what you're left with is strictly compositional. In shooting, there's not much else to think about other than framing. And so I do, with greater attentiveness and vigor than I have in a while.


Share your favourite point-and-shoot or mobile device shot of late. Has iphoneography changed how or what you shoot when you return to your SLR? Have you gotten the hang of it yet -- has it replaced photography you'd otherwise approach differently, or has it added a new niche of photos to your portfolio or social spaces that you didn't used to capture?

Reader Comments (32)

I just got an iPhone this week and I'm driving my husband crazy with all my Instagram pictures I keep sending him! I'm a huge klutz so I don't bring my camera gear with me many places-in fact-I never carry it with me doing day-to-day things and that's a sad thought-so I LOVE using my camera on my phone! I also love that I can take my own picture-EASILY by switching the camera view point.

So here is one of my first self-portraits--

and this is after a few days
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca
Oh I am so addicted to my iPhone camera and apps it's scary. For me it's more fearless and just shooting from the hip, a quick little process from an app or 2 (or 3) and then post and done. I love my Canon, but this is it's younger sibling. I have a whole flickr set since I got my phone 2 weeks ago:
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbusymomma66
I think I already shared this but this is such a interesting question and so relate-able right now. I am totally in love with my new iPhone and yes, I find myself a getting annoyed when I can't "instantly" edit from my SLR. However, I do love and appreciate both and will be finding a balance as I travel this digital photography highway! Exciting things to learn all the time!

I now twitter quite a bit more - frankly, I'm somewhat dangerous.
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPuna
hi kate,
my story is a lot like yours...:-))
i got my iPhone in october last year, mainly because i hoped it would help me become a bit more organized
never thought about the camera bit, until i walked into the most beautiful sunset i ever experienced
the colors were so out of this world that i wanted to rush home and grab my Canon, but then i suddenly realized i already had a camera with me

have been iPhone obsessed ever since
i totally agree with what you say: the iPhone adds to my eye and allows me to focus on my composition without being distracted or burdened by technique

just recently i have been returning to my Canon, and am really curious to find out how my iPhoneography has changed or influenced what i (can) do with my Canon....
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrakusribut
i love my iphone.. i have way to many apps and when i'm not using my dslr i have my iphone out! check out some of my photos and my new iphone video...
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterolivia
I switched from my Droid to an iPhone just because of Instagram. :)

I even worked up enough courage to do a selfie:
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteryzzilyzzid
i definately am addicted to instagram & it looks like i'm loving using it to capture the sunset colour in the afternoon. here are a few mosaics i created from some of my shots.
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermichelle
Ha! So charming to read how this 'new-fangled' medium repelled you so. I have that same feeling about film cameras of any kind! At this point I only vaguely remember who got me to load the Hipstamatic app and start playing.
But isn't it great how it reaches different areas of the brain? I am just learning! It all feels new to me, every bit of it, even after a few years of dabbling in photography. It makes my heart race to see the limitless possibilities out there.

Here's a recent fave of mine, for various reasons, that has had a cool reception at best. Still, there is love in it for me:

And from the beginning to now:
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie (Keenemomma)
My phone is still just a phone, but my friends, who are way cooler than me, let me play with theirs.
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMisty
Oh, I love taking photos with my phone so much I got little lenses from photojojo. Here is one of my favs with the macro lens. ;)
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKaryn
I love my iPhone for instant sharing, and for times, like this moment on the beach, when I don't want to be tied up by my DSLR, but want to remember...
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca Weaver
What a GREAT story....especially the part about sniffing the camera....Hah...that put the biggest smile on my face. So, Kate.....I'm behind in the times cause I don't have an i-phone...and i'll b 3 decades behind everyone else....not sure why...stubborn? But these photos are a good argument in what i'm missing!
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
i love taking photos with my iphone - primarily to share the moment
but also many times it actually does a better job.
and because you can do cool stuff with it
(using the 360 app)
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterautumn sun
I've had my iPhone for just over 6 weeks and I'm LOVING it. I am missing my SLR and am a tad worried I'm gonna get rusty, but I do love the flexibility and ease of pulling out the camera phone. Here are few shots I'm liking lately from my iPhone...
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMeghan @ Life Refocused
i love Instagram and am slowly branching out to other apps. I definitely use my vameraphone for different types of hits and situations than my DSLR - for shots that have a sense of impermanence or immediacy. Or, for when I'm killing two hours in the airport, like this shot:
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMae
I don't have an Iphone but a Palm Pixie which has a fun filter app that I use CONSTANTLY - sometimes more than my SLR :)
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKate Sutterfield
Haha. I still haven't crossed that bridge..... yet.
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJess
It hasn't replaced anything, but it has definitely given me other options! I do resent the term "iphoneography", though. It insinuates that the only camera phones, and great apps, are on iphones, which is simply not true. :-)
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmarie
The iPhone is so quiet... it is perfect for capturing the carefree spontaneity of baby sleep. I can't get enough of these sleeping photos (filtered in Instagram).
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCatherine
I don't have a cell phone. ( I know, I'm the LAST person on Earth left who doesn't) So all this time everyone has one but me. Then I see what iPhone can do. Now all I want is iPhone. Just for the photog apps. That's it.
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGreta S.
I adore my Instagram app both for the fun and the community. (Really, the community makes it.) But I downloaded snapseed and, well, I'm in love. I just import what I do there into Instagram right now so I can share easily to everything and have that community though.
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFireMom
There are many iPhone shots that I like, here is one

I do like the convenience of having it with me, but I still enjoy my SLR and sometimes will take a picture with both because I can get a much better picture with the SLR.

But, I like the iPhone camera for the reasons you mentioned, the not having to worry about settings, just framing. I often take pictures TOO close with the SLR. The iPhone camera gives me the wide angle shots. I know, there's a zoom on there but I don't like to use it.

It is a helpful and handy tool. I am learning with it.

And yes, it has helped me take pictures in places I wouldn't normally. Stealthy. Is that a bad thing?
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLinda
I always have my iPhone with me so, I capture the small things that would otherwise go by undocumented like the first bowl of berries from my garden - I LOVE it.
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWorthIt!
Hee hee. This made me laugh. My husband finds me amusing. I will be so against new technology or concepts for a long time and then sometimes I will take a little peak and than BAM! I want it. I once was like this about blogs. And then once I read one I went on to discover many more and start my own. I didn't want an Ipad or similar and then my husband came home with one for me. He knows me too well because now I adore it. It's just a matter of time before I get a smart phone because now I've taken to using my husband's to take photos when we're out walking or dining.
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLucent Imagery
I am just learning how to use my the meantime I have been LOVING using my cell phone to shoot the blooms that grow in my garden.
I have an HTC Thunderbolt and it comes loaded with some great effects. Of course the are many to download as well. Just bought the Photojojo macro lens for it. Super FUN!

I love that a camera phone allows me to flex my creative muscles while I am in the learning phase with my dslr and the fact that it is always with me is pretty awesome...
August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKari Morford
I love my iPhone camera and was really into Hipstamatic until I discovered Instagram! It's one of my favorite ways to capture the daily stuff.

And while on the road, it's indispensable!!
August 16, 2011 | Unregistered Commentershirley
Oh Instagram is totally addictive and I LOVE IT! I used to have taking pictures with my phone but Instagram has really changed my mind. It's so great to share instantly! Here are a couple of mine. Disneyland birthday T-Ball Night
August 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLibertad Leal
I am a fellow instagram app and I have been using it to hone my compositional "eye" also. I am so loving it and the instagram community! I love how sharing bits of our days in pics can connect us.

Here is one of my latest favs not so much compositionally but using a fun app with a double exposure feature.
August 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKaren D
I loved this article! It makes me so happy when I hear of other people unlocking the creative magic that resides inside the iPhone! For me, I didn't know that I was a photographer until I started taking & processing pictures with my iPhone. I’d been taking family snapshots my whole life (I'm 35) with a point and shoot camera but it never ignited any creative passion in me. IPhone photography changed my life, even my mothering! I got my 1st DSLR early this year, and am working hard to learn it (and editing software, and lighting). I love the DSLR, especially for portriats. The DSLR reflects exactly what I see - the iPhone can more easily warp reality. I cherish them both. For those interested, here is a link to my iPhone work:
August 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEmily Rose
Just i love my iPhone camera..
Thanks for sharing this post..
August 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterplant identification
love the shar love um
August 19, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercanvas printing

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