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« When There Are No Words | Main | everyday things »

finding the words

Ever get the feeling your photos are trying to tell you something? Sometimes, sage advice can be found in the images we capture. You may not grasp the wisdom at the moment you snap the shutter, and it may not be until weeks later, as you browse your archives, that the words jump out at you from the screen and you have your a-ha!-this-is-what-i-need-to-do moment. Pictures may speak a thousand words, but sometimes you only need two very specific ones.

What words have you found in your images that capture the counsel or truth you need to hear right now? Please show us!

Reader Comments (24)

Love this image.

Sometimes we need to be . . . . . .
August 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKathryn Dyche Dechairo
always going in different directions, I felt this one telling me to be more in the present, as well as to remember my loved ones who are no longer here on earth, they are always in my heart.
August 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterclaudia
SMILE!!! That is what I came up with, will post it in two days on my blog, so no link yet
August 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChantal
And sometimes, it's an irresistible suggestion:
<a href="" title="20100524-W-I-N-E by Jjuju, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="357" alt="20100524-W-I-N-E"></a>
August 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJuju
Oops, bad link. This one should work:
August 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJuju
There are days when you have to live life to the extreme
August 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTara R.
good advice, indeed.

my recently discovered words of advice were discovered before i took the photo... and thus, the reason for taking the photo. but they came in the midst of one of the most difficult weeks of my entire life. so much "crud" was happening to me all at once, and i began to complain and look for someone to blame for each trial. so imagine how i felt when i drove past this random sign in front of a corn field along the side of the road while driving out to my mother's house to escape some of the "crud". it was as if the person who put it there, put it there just for me. and it really stopped me in my tracks... both figuratively, and literally... i stopped the car, turned around, and drove back to take a picture. i just had to!
August 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commentergeorgia
it always makes me think of big cold lifeless buildings....
August 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRaluca
this is a word i see everyday, because it' s on my bin....

and this is a diptic i made from keri smith' s " wreck this..." package

i love to color outside the lines, and to live outside the box..... any box....

btw Keri Smith has her own "wreck this" flickr pool
August 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrakusribut
I love taking pictures of words I see in my travels. I captured this in Victoria, BC in June...
August 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMelissaL88
The photo that struck me for this is the third one in this blog entry. Having just moved to Boston from Hawaii, we have been having a bit of a time making the adjustment. I snapped this picture of one of my sons not long after he had a crying fit--he's been sad quite a bit since the move. Seeing him jump and smile made me so happy. It wasn't until I got home and saw that he was jumping right over the word "home" that it hit me to make home where we are. While we miss our friends and the islands, I have to work my hardest to make our time here feel like home for our boys!
August 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDeanna Leigh
I love letting photos speak to me, even if it is quite literal!

Some spray-painted words that inspired me to start a blog:
August 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie
this is apb cash: here!
August 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterwuting
Found upon seeing my son's potential new school for the first time. We were so worried if we were making the right choice. This was a sign to me that we were on the right track.
August 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteranngeedee
this is a very oldie - from 3 years ago, and i kind of cringe when i see how bright and not sharp (and not on purpose that not sharpness) it is, but still, it was a sunny day and i was learning, and oh well. lol! the sign said so much and made me laugh so hard and is still there - i see it often and it is always a reminder and still makes me laugh.
August 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDebi
I think of these as messages from the universe - out there for us if & when we are ready to receive them.

Here's my most recent dispatch:
August 8, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdamiec
Interesting. All my pictures speak to me, but none of them have words. I have to add them myself.

August 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMegan
My dad reminds me every day - never lose your sense of fun and silliness. It will keep you young.

Also, every time I shoot film, I'm reminded to slo-o-o-o-o-w down and breathe. :)
August 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTrude
I took this picture in April. The words didn't really mean anything to me until today.
August 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMorgen

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