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Mind reader

Cats are complex creatures and mine is no exception. I've known Roxy for several years by now and I'm still puzzled by her behavior. She is unpredictable and moody most of the time, but sweet and attention-starved when I least expect it (or have time for it). I wish I could read her mind, but since I don't have any psychic abilities I'll settle for using my camera to get inside her head. Staring at a photo like the one above, I feel like I can see right into her tortured, teen-angsty soul.

Don't you wish you could read your pet's mind? Leave a picture in the comments accompanied by your best guess as to what they were thinking the moment you snapped the shot.

Reader Comments (25)

Beautiful image! After years of having only cats, I am sharing my life and heart with a dog for the first time since I was a kid. In this photo, taken just a couple of weeks ago, I'd like to think Samantha is simply happy and relieved to be safe.
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCaryn
What a wonderful shot. I've lived with a number of cats, all different, distinctive personalities. They all remain an enigma.
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPaige
Your photograph is so gorgeous! Here is my favourite picture of our cat Amber - I'm pretty sure she's saying something like "Look at how beautiful I am! Loooook at the beauty!!" lol :-)
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDeb
What a gorgeous sweet image!

Here's a recent one of mine..and - I think - the words say it all:
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMarcie
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTrudie
I do wish I could get inside my cat's head. His photo is here and I think he's thinking: give me the tuna and no one gets hurt.
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCarole
Please tell us how you got that shot and edited it! I want to do pictures like this of my own cat. He's very photogenic but I've never been able to get a pictures like yours.
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercandice
Oh, what a fun topic! I have no idea how to choose just one to share. Forgive me. :)
"Ummm... excuse me. Did you eat my mouse again?"
"It wasn't me who dug all those holes and ate the broccoli out of the garden and chewed the trim off the front door and left dead baby raccoons all over the yard. Nope. Not me."
Yes, it's amusing that you're holding me upside down. But I've had enough now, thankyou."
"Are you sure it's not poisoned?"
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJess
I took a photo of a great pup a while back. I love his expression! English Bulldogs seem like they have so much personality.
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKaytee
"Talk to the paw lady love. I want THAT PIGEON."

March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer Hagedorn Dizon
This photo immediately made me think of my own cat, Grolot. He could be your cat's twin! He did in fact have a litter mate, Boubou. Unfortunately, due to many health complications, we had to put her to sleep just before Thanksgiving in 2010.
This is the very last photo of her:
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle C
That is a great shot! I love taking photos of my cat too. I grew up with dogs, and when I finally got a place of my own, my now husband and I got a cat. I have been totally converted, as they are so independent. Sadly, our first was hit by a car at only 9 months old, and our second cat went missing at 4 years old, but each had their own special traits that I will never forget. Our current cat Keechka is such a patient and gentle cat. Here are a few of my favourite photos of her, as well as my interpretation of what was going thru her mind at the time.
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNatalie Peterson
"Try and get me off this table. Just try."
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSandee
Love our Morley. At 75+ pounds and 8 months old we wonder if he'll ever stop growing.
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLaine
You're home! You're home! You're home!!!!!
I love my dog!
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKelsey
My description was all about what my new puppy was thinking...
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHeather
Dreaming of a home....

Huggie is a resident at the local animal shelter where I volunteer.
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAli
That is a gorgeous shot! And funnily enough I have just the shot you are asking for :)
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKerstin
I'm pretty sure he was thinking "Why on earth is this crazy human lying on the floor pointing that thing at me?" That is until he saw his reflection in my lens and then he thought that he looked pretty darn good.
March 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBecky Sue
Amazing portrait!

I wish I could read Cora's mind, my sweet 8-month-old border collie.
Here's one of my favourite pic of her:
Here she was 3 months old and she has just arrived at our home. She was a little scary and shy (now she's quite the opposite XD). I'm sure here she was scrutinizing me and thinking: "Who is this human being? And what is she doing to me with that black strange object in her hands?!"
March 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterEleonora
could that dog please be quiet so i can get some rest
March 16, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterautumn sun
Love the color of the cat's eye... and great courage keeping the eye out of focus..!!
March 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterYucel
Adorable! I definitely get the teen angst vibe from my cats (two ragdolls). Anyway, absolutely beautiful picture and a very beautiful cat!
March 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDonald Norris

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