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gather around the table

There is nothing more special than gathering around the table with loved ones; sharing hand crafted food & engaging conversation. We should celebrate how grateful we are do this. Recently I’ve been acknowledging the ordinary kitchen table, and the time spent there everyday.

Please share today how you gather around the table, what food you’re sharing, how you decorate and what gathering around food means to you.


On other note, the fabulous Epiphanie bags (I love my Lyric!) are giving away one place on my ecourse Creating Time Capsules. If you'd like to win, go over to their blog later today and see what it's all about. Competition runs till 22nd March. Good luck!

Reader Comments (7)

a tea party that i threw just before i left for college with some friends is still one of my fondest memories:

and this lovely little treat is one of my favorite breakfasts:

sharing food and memories with people is one of my favorite ways to spend time!
March 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKaytee @ Little Red
I recently hosted a special dinner honoring my son's coming home from Afghanistan. I blogged bout it here.
March 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLeAnne
we love to have a place to gather...

March 16, 2012 | Unregistered Commentersimply
I'd say that The indelible mark my Italian upbringing left on me is the appreciation of gathering around a table to share a homemade meal and a glass (or two...;) ) of wine. Dining is a social event and, to me, sharing food with my loved ones is one of the most valuable pleasures of life. I am a decent cook, and my favorite dishes are easy-but-surprising appetizers... like asparagus wrapped in prosciutto!
March 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterUpGemini
Mmmm, just makes me want to tuck in. We've recently been gathering around the rug in our conservatory, makes a great picnic area when the weather isn't being too kind.
March 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGed Coughlan
thanks for including my gather shot and for the awesome giveaway over at epiphany bags!

happy monday, all!
March 19, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermary

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