
My son's high school marching band hosted a carwash a couple of weekends back. They started at 9 a.m. and washed car after car until they stopped at 2 o'clock. It was a typical hot Southern California weekend and once the last car was washed and dried and sent on it's way, buckets were filled with water and it was every man for himself. My son may have gotten in a good toss of water onto his band teacher but being the prepared teacher that he is, he was laying in wait with a hose. Be it a child or an adult, who doesn't love to play with buckets of water and hoses on a hot summer day? Truly, one is never too young or too old to play, and that is always a good thing.
We are ready to elevate the everyday this month! Show us your images of play and add them to the One Word Project pool on Flickr. And be sure to tag your images this month with #sselevate.
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