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when in doubt

"Leap and the net will appear." -John Burroughs

There comes a time when we all must step outside our comfort zone. It used to be that I hesitated, I dawdled in that space of inaction and nervousness. Now, when I feel myself with my toes to the edge of self doubt (and I teeter on the cusp of losing my courage) I do my best to harness those stomach butterflies and give myself the strength of their wings.

It's not always literal of course. 
Life is a constant source of choices.

Absolute certainty never comes. We always know best with hindsight, right? Yet life cannot be lived backwards. There is something inside of us; something that guides us. This I know, because this I feel.

How do you face your fears? I, personally, find myself bravest at night, under the cloak of darkness when the world is asleep. It's in that space of quiet solitude that I can harness the strongest version of myself, and I let her be my warrior. She succeeds at quieting the inner critic which leaves me room to fly during the day. (Sometimes.) There are of course other nights when I simply eat a bowl of ice cream and dream of braver days.

Today's prompt is flight. How do you take flight? Share with us your thoughts on what flight means to you, and also how you find flight with your camera lens.

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Reader Comments (11)

I like to think this image portrays the 'edge' of flight...the brave leap before actually doing so:
September 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMarcie
Hmm... that's a good question! With time I realize that practice makes the fear go away, experiment come in action. The more I do something the more I become better and the fear will go away.

Here a couple of shots of flight :

Have a great day! :)
September 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAnne Jutras
I was scared for a long time to really show my artistic photos....but i finally realized that this was the photography that i loved doing. I didn't get the same feeling when i took photos of others' kids or families. The feeling i get when i really get creative is like no other. And it took me a while to show this, but i finally took flight and did and after i did, i had this new confidence of being comfortable showing the artist that i am...
September 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJessica Wilson

This screams flight for me. There is something about the freedom and trust you have to have with an air balloon. It is a lot like life.
September 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLu
For me, facing the fears of flight-newness-the unknown comes with being well prepared and then taking the risk. Being prepared means acquiring technical knowledge, having a well thought out "plan", practicing, and then holding onto the faith that everything will turn out ok. Kind of like sky diving ~ folks learn how to fall and land, take their parachute, and then trust it will open!

Photo-wise, I've been trying some controlled indoor shooting lately. This is new to me, as I usually work outdoors where I can't control things as much. Having fun and liking the results.
September 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAnna
A photo and a story about taking the leap to try something new and having the courage to be a beginner:
September 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer
I have very little patience...I want what I want right now. I fight this in almost every aspect of my life EXCEPT when I am taking pictures. I can wait out a bird, bee or a butterfly like nobodies business when it comes to get the perfect shot...and thats what I did with shot. Standing by the road, watching countless people drive by WATCHING me as I waited for these birds to take flight so I could get the perfect shot.

so this picture has to do with flight AND my willingness in how I can be patient with photography will pour over into ALL areas of my life...
September 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJakki
I love how your words and you just being you make me feel not so alone. I like it here.
September 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTracie West

I participated in the incredibly empowering NOW YOU workshop, taught by Shutter Sisters Meredith Winn and Kristen Zecchinelli over the summer. Since then, I've felt truly transformed...heart on fire...just for myself, no one else. I think maybe I just needed a little nudge...someone to validate that what I was trying to capture was 'seen'. Although the class is a self portrait workshop, it gave me so much more confidence about sharing my photographs in general. This image is one I shot while working on an assignment for that class...I love it...and when I look back at it I get little butterflies in my stomach...the kind that you get when you try something new and push past the discomfort...and bend and stretch yourself...and fly.
September 18, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterjote
Ah yes, taking leaps of faith and stepping outside our comfort zones... this seems so apropos to my life right now. A couple months ago my husband, our two young boys, and I moved from California to New Hampshire where he is studying to get his MBA. Many comfort zones are being breached- having to put myself "out there" and make new friends again; moving to a climate that has legitimate seasons, including COLD and SNOW which are new to me and a bit scary; letting go of stable income in favor of a risk that will hopefully pay off. It's an adventure, and one we're happy to be experiencing.... but oh the gut-wrenching moments and sheer bravery it entails!
September 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMarcy
This post inspired me and so I posted a picture to your Flickr site. (Sorry. I'm new to Flickr and so don't know how to add the link. This might get you there:

Thanks for the inspiration.
September 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAdrienne

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