
Many of you have reported troubles subscribing to our feed via Bloglines (thanks for letting us know, BTW!)
We believe this may have been caused by attempts to subscribe before the domain was actually pointing here. As a result, Bloglines couldn't find a feed and may have marked the site as what's referred to as a no-follow.
We've attempted to contact Bloglines and have this corrected to no avail. So, we thought perhaps if they received more than one report of the issue, we may actually get this resolved. If you have a Bloglines account, we could use your help! Here's what to do:
Go to and send the following message:
For some reason, Bloglines will not let me subscribe to a valid feed.
My username is: [your username]
The site URL is:
The feed URL is:
I appreciate your assistance.
Thanks, and hopefully this will be resolved quickly!