a little danger goes a long way

No great art has ever been made without the artist having known danger.
Rainer Maria Rilke
The other day, I stumbled upon this quote and immediately jotted it down. It made me think about how I approach my photography and how I can elevate it to the next level, maybe even call it ‘a-r-t’.
Real danger lies right in there for me. In fact, if I catch myself trying to make “art”, not to mention “great art”, I freeze. What I love about Photography is actually the opposite of that. I fell in love with the medium, because it freed me. It distracted me from the greater goal and allowed me to simply get lost in the wonder of capturing a moment.
Still though, who am I to challenge Rilke, right? :) And when I think of it, the fact that Photography is an experience of ease for me is what allows me to face the risks I constantly need to take, in order to get those shots that come to me in my dreams. Danger is still there. It is in the thrill of taking on a new client, in producing and shooting an assignment, in the boldness of approaching strangers, and in how I climb on the fence or lay across the cement floor, just for the sake of a better angle. My best memories and results are truly from times when I took a risk, when I faced a little danger, when I went in with abandon and conviction, trusting that it was worth working through the fear, in order to get the mighty shot. (Above: first time shooting fashion with animals!)
So, can you share with us today, what danger looks like for you? Whether it is taking a risk with your equipment, your angle, your technique or even your personality, show us how you work it!